Page 27 of No Secrets

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“How do you feel?”

Jesus, where did he even begin? “Hurt, scared, betrayed… Betrayed the most. It’s hard to process that someone I worked with has been plotting against me the whole time. It feels like getting stabbed in the back.”

“I’ve never been in that situation, but I can imagine. You weren’t friends with this Joe, right?”

“No, but we’ve had the occasional friendly conversation. He’s a big sports fan, and we’d discuss the Patriots game or how the Bruins had played. Every one of those conversations is now replaying through my head as I’m searching for clues I missed.”

Caleb bumped his shoulder. “And as Dr. Phil would say, ‘How’s that working for ya?’ The man is annoying as fuck, but that’s a great question he keeps asking.”

“It is.” Roman sighed. “And the answer is that it’s not productive at all, of course, but that doesn’t stop me from doing it. If you have any suggestions on how not to do that, I’m all ears.”

Caleb held up his hands. “Don’t look at me for that. I’m not good at understanding people. Massive geek, remember? When your brother hired me, he instructed me to work on my social and psychological skills. They’re not my strong points.”

“I wouldn’t have guessed, especially after what happened… You know. The second time…”

Caleb grinned. “You mean the second blowjob? You can say the word, you know? Blowjob. Nothing to be embarrassed about.”

Why was he blushing again? So damn annoying. “I know, but it feels awkward.”

“It shouldn’t. It’s sex. That’s it.”

“That’s a casual attitude I can’t afford to have.”

Caleb’s expression softened. “I understand it’s easier for me to say that, but I also want to state you shouldn’t feel embarrassed around me. What we did was consensual. I wanted it.”

“Can I ask you something?” Roman stopped walking and turned to face Caleb fully. “About us—I mean, what we’ve been doing.”

“Of course.” A flicker of surprise crossed Caleb’s features, but he kept his expression open.

“Are you…getting what you need from it? From me? I don’t want it to be all about my pleasure. You deserve more than that. And I couldn’t help but feel bad afterward because you didn’t get to come. Again.”

“You never gave me permission.” Caleb said it as if it was the most logical thing in the world.

“I wasn’t aware I had to. I mean, in hindsight, yes, but in the moment, I didn’t realize you wouldn’t come without me saying you could.”

Caleb shrugged. “Orgasm denial isn’t gonna kill me. I’ve been denied for weeks. Trust me, this was nothing.”

He meant it. Something else Caleb could be completely casual about while Roman’s insides were all pretzeled. “I envy your experience in this. Not with orgasm denial in particular, but the whole dynamic of D/s play. That’s what I meant when I said that you certainly show a lot of psychological insight.”

“That’s different. That’s something that comes completely naturally to me. I don’t have to think when I’m in a scene because my Dom does the thinking for me. All I need to do is obey and submit. There’s freedom in that.”

“Provided you can trust your Dom.”

Caleb shook his head. “I would never fully surrender to someone I don’t know well enough to be one hundred percent certain I can trust them. In that case, it’s only a partial submission. My body, yes, but my mind would still be very much present, analyzing to ensure my safety.”

Weird, but that was a relief for Roman to hear. “That sounds smart.”

“If you’re worried about me playing with you as an inexperienced Dom, you shouldn’t be. I’d never let you cross my boundaries or allow you to ignore my hard limits. Which, for the record, we should talk about if we continue to play.”

Play? “You gave me a blowjob. Is that playing?”

“In itself, no, but we both know you did more than that.”

“I’m not a Dom.”

“You’re not a trained Dom,” Caleb corrected him.

“You’re saying I’m a Dom?”
