Page 23 of Guarded Heart

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I’m going out with Easton Gentry tonight. Holy shit.

When I walk through the diner entrance, Mrs. Langley, one of the older women who loves to gossip, is sitting at one of the tables with a smile aimed my way. “Autumn, dear, how lovely to see you this fine afternoon.”

“You too, Mrs. Langley. How are you?”

“Oh I’m just fine, dear, thank you for asking. I hear you’re staying with Easton Gentry.” The words are a statement not a question and the light in her eyes clues me in to what she’s really doing. The woman will do anything to get information out of someone.

Before I can respond, Savanna steps next to me and hooks her arm through mine. “Sorry, Mrs. Langley, my lunch date seems to be late and we have so much to talk about.”

Mrs. Langley turns her bright gaze to Savanna and gives her a smile. “I’m sure you do, sweetie, I’d hate to keep you girls.”

Savanna pulls me toward one of the tables, making sure that we are far enough away that Mrs. Langley can’t overhear us, then she flops into an empty chair. “That woman,” she mutters with a shake of her head. “Always trying to get in everyone’s business.” Her eyes lift to mine and she waves a hand forward. “Well, are you going to sit down?”

“You’re awfully jumpy today.”

She gives me this duh sort of look and says, “I’m waiting to see if anything new has been going on. So, sit and talk.”

Before she pops a blood vessel, I tell her, “Your brother just asked me out.”

Savanna squeals and leans forward. “And?”

“I said yes.” She squeals again, gaining the attention of a few people near us, and I lean forward with a frown. “But what if I should’ve said no?”

She tilts her head. “Why would you think that?”

“He doesn’t date,” I say, as if this is something that even needs to be said. She knows better than anyone else how guarded he’s had his heart. “I don’t want to get hurt.”

“I know, but try to give him a chance. This is huge for him, you know that, so he must be serious if he’s willing to take the risk. There’s no harm in keeping your guard up a bit though. I’d do the same thing.”

“You want to help me get ready tonight then?”

“I’ve got some things to do at the house, but I’ll FaceTime you, how’s that?”

After a few mimosas and a cheerful goodbye, I head back to Easton’s with my nerves going crazy.

It’s around seven when I hear the front door shut down the hall, then heavy footsteps going upstairs. Easton must be back from dropping Bethany off at his parents’ house.

I turn around to face Savanna who, as promised, is on FaceTime with me. The red dress I have on hugs my breasts and hips and stops just above my knees. It’s not too provocative, but it still shows enough leg to give him a show. She also suggested I straighten my curly hair, a style that I rarely attempt since it requires a lot of work, but the end result is worth it.

Sav’s looking at me through her screen and I stand there waiting for her thoughts. “Did you do your makeup yet?”

I shake my head and frown. “I can’t decide whether I should go for simple or sexy. What do you think?”

Savanna chews on the inside of her cheek, then nods slowly. “Simple might be best for the first date. Your dress speaks for itself in the sexy department.”

A soft knock on my bedroom door lets me know Easton’s standing on the other side and I give Sav a panicked look. “Coming!” I call out to him.

Savanna chuckles. “Hopefully you will be! I’ll let you go. Have fun! Can’t wait to hear all about it tomorrow.”

I quickly apply my makeup which thankfully doesn’t take more than a minute and then grab a black clutch from my closet, checking myself out in the mirror one last time. I feel sexy and confident, the way a woman should feel when she goes on a date with a hot man.

Easton’s standing in the living room with his back to me when I walk in, and his hands are in the pockets of his dark wash jeans. I take a moment to study him and my mouth waters at the sight of his white button up straining against the muscles of his back and arms. The way his jeans hug his fine ass has me biting my bottom lip so I don’t moan at the sight and embarrass myself.

“Ready!” I say behind him, causing him to spin around.

His eyes sweep down the length of my body, taking in my legs before slowly coming back up over the curve of my hips and the cleavage exposed by my dress’s neckline. “You aren’t making this easy for me.”

I blink at him in confusion. “Making what easy?”
