Page 31 of Guarded Heart

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There’s a beat of silence as we get our breathing under control and then he turns on his side to face me.

I turn my head, choosing instead to look up at the ceiling, and Easton lets out a long sigh beside me. “I can’t get you out of my head, Red.”

It makes me feel all warm and gooey inside to hear him say that aloud, especially knowing how difficult it is for him to say it. “Where do we go from here?” Although I hate to ask, it’s a question that needs to be answered.

I want to say that I’d lay here and wait for him as long as it takes, but am I really willing to do that? What if it takes another ten years and the idea of having my own children has passed me by? There are so many things that could prevent us from making this work, even if it kills me to think about it.

Easton’s shoulders lift beside me as he says, “I don’t know, Autumn, I just know that I can’t get enough of you and I find myself missing you when I’m away. It scares me.”

I don’t say anything because I’m only making myself more vulnerable if I tell him how I feel. I turn over to face the large window and give my back to Easton before closing my eyes. I sigh contentedly when Easton turns too, his arm dropping over my waist and pulling me tight against him. It feels so right to lay in bed with him like this.

I wake up the next morning confused, noting the large body that’s plastered against my back, and then I remember the events of last night and I sag into Easton’s hold. A soft snore escapes his mouth and I chuckle at the sound, then look over my shoulder at him.

There’s something incredibly sexy about a guy sleeping, or maybe it’s just Easton? Either way, I’m already aroused at the sight of his mouth parted and his blonde hair tousled against the pillow. His legs are entwined with mine, like they are trying to keep me from moving away from him, and it makes my lips twitch with a small smile.

As softly as possible, I untangle my legs from his and lift from the bed with one last glance in his direction before heading into the bathroom. After a quick shower, I brush my teeth and come to a halt when I return to the bedroom and notice the bed is empty and Easton’s clothes are no longer on the floor.

I frown at the sight, then shake my head. Aren’t he and I over this? After last night, I thought for sure that he’d act more mature about everything and at least give me the benefit of the doubt. Talk to me before just disappearing.

It won’t surprise me if I walk out of here to find that he’s left, once again, for a job out of town. I roll my eyes and tug my clothes on with tears stinging the back of my eyes, then I calmly walk into the kitchen. Bethany is sitting at the island, her eyes shining when she sees me, and I give her a small nod in greeting.

To my surprise, Easton is standing at the stove shirtless and flipping something in a skillet as I take a seat next to Bethany. She leans over and whispers, “He’s trying to make pancakes.”

Easton chuckles from his place ahead of us and says, “I heard that. You think you could do better?”

Bethany clears her throat and smiles. “Not me, but I’m sure Autumn can give you a run for your money.” When she turns to look at me, I narrow my eyes at her because I know exactly what she’s doing and I’m going to kill her – not literally, obviously, but still.

“Be my guest,” Easton rasps as he turns and leans forward on the island, the veins in his arms appearing in the most delicious way.

I’m caught off guard for a moment, lost in the sight of his bare chest and Bethany nudges me out of my thoughts.

“You asked for it,” I say with a smile. When I see the pancakes that Easton has already finished, I choke out a laugh. “What the heck are those?”

I pick up one hard piece of batter and tap it against the counter, the sound echoing throughout the kitchen, and Easton crosses his arms over his chest. “Pancakes,” he says defensively.

“Go sit down,” I mutter, then shake my head with a smile. “I’ll get breakfast this morning.”

And that’s how I find myself wanting it to be like this every morning with the two of them.

Chapter Seventeen


My mother has been oddly silent tonight while stealing curious glances my way before looking at my plate. I look at my father, who’s staring at my mom with a frown, and I immediately know tonight is going to be just like every other night I’m over here for dinner. Savanna should be arriving once Dawson gets off at the station, but until then it’s only me, Bethany and my parents.

“Okay, Ma,” I mutter, dropping my fork onto the plate with a loud clunk. She jumps in surprise, feigning innocence when she looks at me, and I shake my head. “What is it this time? Or, should I ask, who is it this time?”

She brings one of the napkins to her lips, dabbing them gently, and chuckles the way she usually does when she’s going to try lying. “I have no clue what you’re talking about.”

My dad is shaking his head, then starts rising from the table with a smile aimed at Bethany. “Why don’t we give them some space for a minute, kiddo?”

Bethany frowns. “I’m not done eating yet, Pa.”

He looks to me for confirmation that she can sit here and I just shrug my shoulders – it’s not like she hasn’t tried having the same conversations with me in the past. Once he disappears around the corner into the living room, which then fills with the sound of stats from tonight's game, I narrow my eyes at my mother.

She sighs and straightens her posture, which usually means business, but I’m sick of this so-called business being my love life. If I want to go out on a date with someone, I’ll do it on my own time and not because my mom’s playing matchmaker. I’m not sure how many more times I can keep telling her that. “Easton, don’t you think it’s time?”

I scoff. “What I think is that it’s my life and I can choose when it’s time for myself.”
