Page 14 of Love Bites

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Chapter Six

Idon’t have the mental capacity to answer him verbally, so I simply nod my head, my eyes wide. I’m so fixated on the pulse point in his neck that my entire focus narrows down to that delicate patch of skin and the blood pulsing beneath.

“There are several places on the body where you can feed,” Zane begins, his voice deep and sultry. “The jugular is the most popular place to feed.” He takes my hand and raises it to his neck, pressing my fingers against his pulse.

Just the very thought of my fangs piercing his skin makes my knees weak. Releasing my hand, he brushes it down my arm, stopping as he reaches my wrist. Raising it between us, he sweeps his tongue over the area, his eyes locked on mine the entire time. “The wrist is another popular spot. However, my favourite is somewhere else…” He trails off, and I’m about to ask him to divulge when I feel his other hand on my waist, skating down over my curves and dipping between my legs.

My mouth drops open on a gasp, arousal washing through me like a tidal wave. I can feel myself getting wet for him, and he’s only lightly brushed against me. What would it be like to fuck him?

“There is a spot just between the legs that is particularly good to feed from.” His fangs slowly extend, his eyes darkening with desire. I should be afraid, but I’m not. If anything, it only turns me on more. A wicked grin takes over his lips, exposing his fangs even more. “Feeding from here has its benefits, as it means that I can eat your pussy at the same time.”

He traces circles against my inner thigh, his hand brushing against me with each rotation. My reaction to him is insane, as he’s not even touching my pussy, simply brushing past it, and the light touch drives me fucking crazy. I want his hand on me, in me, bringing me the pleasure I so desperately need right now.

“Orgasms achieved while being fed from are something special, a type of pleasure that you won’t find anywhere else.” His whispered words make me whimper at the very thought. From the amusement in his eyes, I can tell he knows exactly what he’s doing to me by talking this way, and it goes way beyond the typical mentor-mentee relationship.

“So how do I do it?” I ask on a gasp as his hand gently moves back and forth on the inside of my thigh, slowly working his way higher until his touch is firmer against my most intimate parts and filled with intent. “Do I just sink my teeth in and suck?” I don’t even recognise my own voice, the sound breathy and broken, but at this point, I really don’t care.

He chuckles, the sound deepened with desire. Stepping forward, he pushes against me, and before I know it, I’m up against the wall, my back hitting it with a soft thump. The hard press of his erection against my leg makes my core clench tightly. He’s enjoying this just as much as I am.

“It’s as simple as that. Find their pulse, bite, and start sucking.” He pulls his hand away, and I almost whimper at the loss of his touch, but before I can, he places his palms against the wall on either side of me, caging me in with his body.

“Vampires don’t usually feed off each other because it is such an intimate act. It also creates a connection between those two beings, so many of us refuse.”

“What about you? Have you ever fed off another vampire?” My voice is barely a whisper now, my hand sliding down his flat stomach until I reach his bulging cock. I press against his length and rub my palm up and down, knowing the denim will create a glorious friction against him.

He pauses at my question. Have I made some sort of faux pas by asking? If it is considered so intimate, then perhaps I was out of line by poking my nose into his business. I can’t deny that I’m curious though.

“Only once,” he finally answers, his expression becoming even more intense.

I am not sure what breaks the tension between us, but in unison, we surge forward and kiss like there’s no tomorrow. He tastes so good, his tongue pushing into my mouth and flicking against my own. Gripping his shoulders, I dig my nails in, trying to stay grounded. A bit of kissing is all well and good, but I can’t let things go any further. He’s my mentor, and I can’t just fuck him and bleed him, no matter how much I want to.

Any thoughts I had of being good and ending the kiss between us disappear as the taste of blood fills my mouth. I know it’s not mine, and I realise that I must have cut Zane’s lip with my fangs. He doesn’t stop me though, so taking that as an invitation, I flick my tongue out and lick along the tiny wound.

Groaning at the sensation, Zane presses against me, crushing me between the wall and his body. He deepens our kisses, encouraging me to continue what I’m doing. Sucking his lower lip into my mouth, I encourage the tiny cut to bleed, humming with pleasure as I’m filled with warmth. He’s addictive. I would die happy if I could feed on him for the rest of my life. His blood is like liquid sunshine in my veins. More. I need more. I’ve had a taste of what it can be like, and now I want the real thing.

A loud knock scares the crap out of me, and I jerk away, banging my head against the wall. Wincing, I press a hand to the small lump now forming on the back of my head, although it’s not the pain that’s distressing me, but the slow realisation of what I just did. Colin only died two days ago, and I’m already kissing another guy. We were seconds away from fucking, and I didn’t give my dead ex-boyfriend a second thought.

The blood, that’s what it is. I only did it because I am struggling to control my new vampire hunger. No one needs to know that I kissed him before I tasted his blood. Nope, not important.

“What?” Zane barks, his voice harsh and cutting. I would not want to be on the other side of that door right now.

“Miss Emmy has a visitor,” a weary voice calls out, obviously used to being spoken to this way.

“She will be right out.” His gaze stays locked on me the entire time he speaks, his voice cold, but the fire in his eyes is bright enough to burn me where I stand.

The footsteps of the interrupter retreat, and the tension suddenly snaps, causing me to deflate like a balloon. Sagging against the wall, I press my hand against my forehead and release a long breath. “It’s a good thing she came when she did, because I was about to bite you.” Shaking my head, I laugh hysterically. “Or even worse, fuck you!”

With a gentle but firm touch, he lifts my chin until our gazes lock. He appears disgruntled at the interruption, his clothes dishevelled and hair a mess, but a smile pulls at his lips. It’s the sort of smile that invites trouble, that hints at more to come.

“Those both sound like wonderful things, Emmy.” Shifting his grip on my chin so he’s cupping my cheek, he stares at me for a moment. He looks like he’s going to say something but seems to change his mind at the last minute. “Your presence is required at the front desk.”

My heart sinks a little at his formal words, and I watch as he closes himself down. The smile becomes a smirk, and his posture shifts until he’s standing as though he owns everything in the room, including me.

Frowning, I tilt my head to one side. “I thought I wasn’t allowed visitors.”

It may look as though I’m confused, and if that’s what he wants to believe, then fine. Really, I’m perturbed by the changes in him. I don’t know what just happened to make him clam up and become so cold towards me.

“Perhaps it’s someone official. They are always bending the rules.” Shrugging, he steps back and looks around to check if he’s left anything behind, yet it feels as though he’s doing it to avoid looking at me.
