Page 32 of Dare You to Ruin Me

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"It's okay, I can’t eat another bite," I say with a small smile. "But thank you again for such an incredible dinner."

Dimitri inclines his head graciously. "My pleasure. I'm glad you enjoyed it."

We lapse into silence for a few moments. I take a sip of champagne while gathering my thoughts.

"What about you?" I ask finally, meeting his gaze. "I shared my life story, but you have never told me anything about your childhood."

Dimitri's expression shutters. He takes a slow drink from his glass before answering. "There's not much to tell. My upbringing was... not a pleasant one."

I wait patiently for him to continue. After a pause, he does.

"My father is a hard man. Cruel, even by Bratva standards. He saw me and my younger brother merely as heirs to groom into his successors."

Dimitri's voice takes on a bitter edge. "He started our training young. First lessons in fighting techniques when I was six. Handling weapons by eight. He wanted to be sure we could protect ourselves and eliminate any threats."

My chest aches as Dimitri recounts his traumatic childhood experience. His father punished him and abused him to force him into obedience. No child should have to endure that.

"By the time I was twelve, he took me on my first... job. To watch." Dimitri's jaw clenches. "I had to prove myself. Show that his lessons had stuck."

I reach across the table and place my hand over his. Dimitri looks down in surprise but doesn't pull away.

"That sounds horrible," I say softly. "I'm so sorry you went through that."

Dimitri shakes his head. "Don't be. It is what it is. I didn’t want my younger brother to suffer the same fate." His eyes flash with protectiveness. "I shielded him as best I could. Took the brunt of my father's wrath."

My heart breaks imagining young Dimitri protecting his little brother. Enduring abuse at the hands of his own father. No wonder he built up such hardened exterior walls.

"You're incredibly brave," I tell him sincerely. "I can't even imagine..."

Dimitri squeezes my hand gently. "Thank you. But it's in the past now. I don't want your pity."

"It's not pity," I insist. "I just... I admire your strength. What you went through, it’s horrific. But you survived and now you're protecting the people you care about in your own way."

Like me, I think, but don't say it out loud. Dimitri searches my face for a long moment before giving me a small, grateful smile.

"Well, I suppose there are... benefits to my experiences," he says carefully. "They shaped me into the man I am today."

"Exactly," I agree. Then I grin and say, "The big scary Bratva beast who's really just a softie on the inside."

Dimitri chuckles at that. The sound sends a pleasant tingle down my spine.

"Don't spread that around," he warns jokingly. "I have a reputation to maintain."

I mime, zipping my lips. "Don't worry, your secret side is safe with me."

We share a laugh together. The sound mingles with the soft music still playing from the speaker. Overhead, the stars have come out in full force, twinkling brightly alongside the string lights.

I take in the romantic rooftop setting Dimitri created just for us. Thinking about everything he's told me tonight. I feel closer to him than ever before. Like I'm seeing the honest Dimitri behind the brash exterior - a man who's overcome trauma and still fiercely protects those he cares for.

Moved by emotion, I lean across the table and kiss his lips softly. Dimitri stills in surprise before responding, his hand cradling my cheek. The kiss is gentle at first but deepens, our pent-up longing spilling over.

Dimitri's lips on mine make the rest of the world fade away. All I can focus on is the feel of his mouth moving against my own, firm and insistent. His hand slides from my cheek to tangle in my hair, pulling me impossibly closer.

I don't know how long we stay locked together in our passionate embrace. Time loses all meaning. But eventually, Dimitri breaks the kiss, pulling back just far enough to meet my gaze. His eyes smolder, pupils blown wide with desire.

"We should go somewhere more private," he murmurs, voice husky.

I nod, breathing hard. The rooftop suddenly feels exposed despite the twinkling lights and flickering candles surrounding us.
