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Istorm into the dimly lit room, my eyes burning with a rage I haven't felt in years. Watching them touch Sara makes all the warning signs blink red. No one is allowed to touch Sara. No one is allowed to fucking touch my woman. She's mine, and no one else's. The stench of fear and sweat hangs heavy in the air. Lev, Boris, Mikhail, and Andrei freeze, their smirks fading as they catch sight of me. I lock eyes with Boris. My fists clench. "I thought I warned you," I say, my voice low, each word punctuated with a step forward.

Boris tries to speak, but I'm on him before he can form a word. My fist connects with his jaw, a sharp crack in the heavy air. "Not," I say, hitting him again, "to touch," another hit, "her."

Blood bursts from his nose and streaks down his face. I don't stop. My fist slams into his cheek, and there's a sickening crunch. Blood now pours from a split lip, mingling with the red from his nose. His eyes are wild with pain and fear.

Boris stumbles back, trying to shield his face, but I'm relentless. Another blow sends his front teeth flying.

His knees buckle, and he falls, a heap on the ground. Blood pools around him, his breath ragged and wet. The others watch, horror-stricken, but none of them dare intervene.

Then I turn to them. "You think you're safe?" I growl. I launch at Lev, my anger a physical force. I hit him square in the stomach, and he doubles over. Mikhail and Andrei try to step in, but they're no match for my fury. I strike fast, hard. Mikhail goes down with a blow to the temple. Andrei gets a fist in the ribs. They're all on the ground now, groaning, bleeding.

In this world, mercy is a luxury I can't afford. Not when it comes to what's mine.

"Get out," I snarl. They scramble to their feet, dragging Boris with them, his limp body draped over their shoulders, and hurry out of the room. The door slams shut behind them, leaving me alone with Sara.

Her eyes are wide with terror, her lips parted in a silent scream. She dares not make a sound. I look at her, my heart pounding in my chest. I lost control, and I know I must regain it.

"Don't move," I order, my voice barely above a whisper. I see the fear in her eyes, but she doesn't defy me. I approach her, my hands trembling slightly. I reach out and grip her chin, my fingers tightening as I force her to look at me.

"You're mine, Sara," I hiss. "Do you understand?"

She stares up at me, her eyes filled with hatred. "You have no right," she spits, once I remove the gag her voice barely audible.

I feel a surge of anger at her defiance, but I force myself to remain calm. "You're right," I say, my voice low and dangerous. "I don't have the right. But you're still mine, and that's all that matters." My gaze drops to her hand, to the engagement ring and the sight of it ignites a deeper anger in me. Fuck! I have an overwhelming urge to yank it off her finger and throw it away, to erase any claim anyone else has on her. But I restrain myself.

I shrug off my leather jacket and drape it around her trembling form, shielding her from the cold night air. Then, I pick her up in my arms, cradling her close to my chest, inhaling her intoxicating scent. I can feel her heart beating against my chest, a fragile rhythm that echoes the chaos of my own.

As I carry her to my car, I feel the soft brush of her cheek against my neck, a contact that sends a wave of desire crashing through my body. I smile to myself, a cruel twist of my lips.

I grip the steering wheel tightly, my knuckles turning white, as I navigate the winding roads leading to Sara's dorm. I glance at Sara beside me, her face is pale and drawn in the faint moonlight filtering through the car windows. She's still trembling, even though her eyes are determined.

As I pull up in front of her dorm, the engine idles loudly in the quiet night for a few seconds before I step out and then open the door on Sara's side. My heart is pounding as I move to help her.

"I can walk," Sara protests trying to push herself up.

Ignoring her, I say firmly, "You're not in any state to walk. I'm responsible for what happened back there. I'll take care of you now, so don't argue."

With that, I lift her gently, despite her feeble attempts to resist. The night air is cool and crisp, but I'm sweating profusely. My muscles are aching from the exertion of the fight, and my head throbs from the adrenaline rush. But all I can focus on is the softness of her body in my arms.

I reach her room without encountering anyone on the way, and fumble with the doorknob. The door swings open, and I step inside, carrying Sara over the threshold. The room is dark and quiet, the only sound is Sara's soft sobs. I kick the door shut behind me, the heavy thud echoing in the silence.

I try to drop her on the bed, but she clutches me tightly, her arms wrapping around my neck, her fingers digging into my shoulders. A whimper escapes her lips, soft and pleading, and it sets my blood on fire.

"Fuck" I curse under my breath, a low growl rumbling in my chest. She still has that effect on me, even now, when she's terrified and vulnerable. I lay her down on the bed, her body still trembling, her eyes wide and fearful. "Don't tempt me, printsessa."

I pull the covers up over her, tucking her in gently, as if she were a fragile doll. I can't help but notice how small she is, how delicate. Her curves are soft and inviting beneath the thin fabric of her dress, and I feel a surge of desire that I can barely control.

I step back, putting some distance between us, but I can't take my eyes off her. Her chest rises and falls with each shallow breath, and her lips slightly parted.

I reach out and brush a strand of hair away from her face, my fingers lingering on her soft cheek. Her skin is cool and smooth beneath my touch, and I can't resist the urge to lean in and kiss her.

Her lips are soft and I groan against her mouth as my tongue slips past her teeth to explore the sweet depths of her mouth. She tastes like innocence and fear, a heady combination that drives me wild.

As I deepen the kiss, I feel her body tense beneath me. For a moment, I think she might push me away, but instead, she surprises me by trying to bite my lower lip. I pull back slightly, a smirk playing on my lips as I look down at her. Her eyes are blazing with defiance, and I can’t help but be impressed by her fiery spirit.
