Page 17 of Resisting Nicole

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“Mr. Westman.” Nicole held out her hand in the hope of putting him at ease. “I’m Nicole Wells. Thank you for talking to me today.”

“Paul,” he replied, taking her hand. His gaze slid toward Lily as she took the chair behind the desk.

They sat down, and Nicole explained the job, which involved preparing to take in rescued dogs and then assisting with their care, and the salary, which included the use of the cottage. “Are you okay with living in the country? Lily lives nearby if that helps.”

“She mentioned that. I’ve always liked dogs. I used to have...a long time ago...”

Nicole gave his arm a brief touch, his genuine grief sealing her decision. “Recently, I suffered a great loss and understand the desire to escape from everything that reminded me of it. The cottage is small, but it will be furnished, the kitchen and bathroom stocked with necessities, and ready next week. Think about it, and let Lily know your decision.”

Paul asked a few questions before standing again, still clutching the cap. “If you’re willing to take a chance on me, I accept your generous offer.”

Lily came around the desk, her face reflecting relief. “That’s a good decision, Paul.”

“For both of us,” Nicole stated, hoping he wouldn’t let depression or doubts alter his decision before he even started. He appeared grateful for the chance to work again, but an unexpected reminder of his loss could change his mind about reversing the course of his life. “I’ll let Lily know when the cottage is ready.” She waited until he left the office before turning to Lily. “Thanks for this. Fingers crossed it will benefit us both.”

“If the director and I didn’t think he was ready, we wouldn’t have brought it up to him. Keeping him thinking positive will be the hard part. I don’t have time for lunch, but Allie and I want to invite you to go with us to Casey’s this weekend,” she replied as they returned to the parking lot. “It’s a club the guys own – music, dancing, a mechanical bull if you’re daring enough.”

“Ina mentioned it, and it would depend on how many drinks I have whether I can get up the nerve to get on that. Thanks. Can I let you know?” she asked, hesitating due to the likelihood of spending that time around Slade. Restricting her activities because of a man who got under her skin one second and roused her senses the next pissed her off enough to change her mind. “On second thought, yes, I’ll go, but I’ll meet you there. I may not stay as long as you.” There. She felt better already.

“No problem. I’ll send you directions and the time. Thanks again for taking a chance on Paul. He’s a good guy and has helped a lot around the shelter.”

Nicole knew only too well how difficult it could be coping with loss and still couldn’t imagine the depth of his pain. She hoped the job would help him find the peace he needed to heal. A goal she herself could attain faster if her neighbor would quit intruding on her time and thoughts.

Chapter Six

Slade joined Jordon, their club manager, behind the bar, wishing Deb could have made it tonight. Now, he couldn’t rely on her to keep his attention off Nicole. He picked up a whiskey glass from under the bar top, questioning whether his and Deb’s long-term friends-with-benefits relationship would have been enough to keep him from thinking about those scars. Every time he imagined Nicole suffering such pain and fear, he went taut with fury. He was glad the bastard was dead but wished someone else had taken him out, suspecting the guilt weighed on her. Something he was all too familiar with.

“Are you going to pour that or stare at it all night?”

Jordon’s amused tone broke into his thoughts and tore his gaze off the liquor bottle and glass he held. “I’m getting there,” he muttered, the music and volume of the crowd filling Casey’s tonight getting on his nerves.

“Couldn’t talk one of your brothers into filling in for you tonight, huh?”

Slade moved down a few steps to hand the drink to the patient customer who nodded his thanks. “I didn’t ask them,” he said, turning toward Jordon.

He had agreed to go in on the club and put in the same amount of sweat equity as Reed and Brett to renovate the auctioned-off old lodge, knowing the social commitment required. They only opened Friday and Saturday nights, the three of them proud of the club’s popularity and good reputation. When Lily mentioned inviting Nicole tonight, his first inclination had been to make an excuse to switch shifts with Reed, who planned to assist behind the bar tomorrow night. Instead, the constant urge to check on her all week, ensure she was okay, won out over his need to keep his distance.
