Page 38 of Raven's Place

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“What past mistakes?” she asks as I sip my coffee and scan the newspaper.

“Eat something,” I say, nodding at her bowl of fruit.

“Please, just tell me one thing about your past. You never tell me anything, but you want me to trust you to look after me?”

I sigh. “I had a brother. His name was Cain, and he died three months ago.” It makes me an arse, because when she asked me before if I had siblings, I told her no. Technically, I don’t anymore, but at the time, I didn’t want to answer her questions, and whenever anyone finds out about Cain, there are always questions.

“Oh,” she whispers, looking sad. “I’m sorry. How old was he?”

“The same age as me . . . we were twins.”

She gasps. “Oh, Mac, that’s awful. Was it an accident?”

I smile. “You said one thing. I’ve told you two.”

She fiddles with the silver ring she wears on her right ring finger. “My mum gave me this. I think I was maybe five when she gave it to me, and it was always too big. I used to wear it around my neck on a chain.”

“What happened to her?”

“She gave me away.”

I frown. “Just gave you away to strangers or to social services?”

“She told me the man who came to pick me up was my uncle and he was taking me to see my aunty. I was six.”

“You hadn’t met him before?” I ask.

She shakes her head. “No. He wasn’t really my uncle. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t anyway because he had these urges, unnatural ones for a relative.”

My blood runs cold, and I feel the newspaper being screwed up where my hand grips it too tight. “Did your aunt know?”

She laughs, but it’s cold and empty. “Yeah. She was fine with it. She showed me what to do, how to please him, and then eventually, how to please his friends. I guess it got her off the hook.”

“Raven, I’m—”

“I haven’t told anyone that. Not properly. Keep it to yourself, okay.”

I nod. “Of course.”

We finish breakfast in silence, both lost in thought. Knowing that information makes me want to slit Vinn’s throat even more. She’s been through enough. We get on the bike, and I drive us to central London. It’s the last place we came where we both laughed and had fun. It made us forget all the shit for a day, and I plan to do the same again.
