Page 156 of Hooking a Hottie

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“Then the story of how I flipped off the quad!” Travis blurted.

The mom guilt blossomed like a twelve-foot-tall sunflower plant as my eyes grew bigger than the windows in the kitchen.

“Hold on,” Henry said. “Nobody did any flipping. And this story was supposed to be a little quieter… you know… pizza…”

“I can’t keep anything from my mother,” Travis said.

“That’s right,” I said.

“Okay, you both win,” Henry said. “I’m not trying to keep anyone from telling anyone anything.”

“You seem like you’re scrambling now,” I said.

Henry’s eyes locked to mine.

Oh, did they burn. And I mean…

Heat flooded my body.

I had to quickly remind myself that Henry and I weren’t alone.

The sound of the doorbell broke up the sudden tension between Henry and me.

“Pizza is here,” Henry said as he walked toward me. “I better get it while it’s hot.”

My knees turned into rubber.

Henry walked right around me, knowing damn well what he had just said and done to me.

I casually reached for the counter and took a slow breath.

I’m wetter than I was in the bathtub!

“Did you have fun?” I asked my son.

Travis looked ready to jump out of his skin with excitement. “Yes! It was the coolest thing ever! I can’t wait to tell everyone about it. Seriously. That was insane! We were riding up and down the beach. We were pretending pirates were chasing us. It was amazing.”

I swallowed hard, smiling.

Henry took my son out on the quads and played games.

“Hot pizza is here,” Henry announced. He placed the boxes on the counter and spread all three out. “Dinner is served.”

“Three pizzas,” Travis said. “Dude, you must be really rich!”

“Travis!” I said. “You can’t say stuff like that.”

“It’s fine,” Henry laughed. He looked at Travis. “I’m really rich, kid.”

“Cool,” Travis said. “So is one of these all mine?”

“Whichever one you want, kid,” Henry said.

I reached over the counter and placed my hands on two of the boxes.

“I need to hear the story first,” I said.

Henry sighed.
