Page 40 of Hooking a Hottie

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I tell myself to turn and attack.

Logic tells me to get away from Keith.

I start to pull and twist. My heart is racing so fast I feel like I’m going to pass out. I’m well aware this is a full blown panic attack right now. I feel as though I’m fighting for my life. Keith just laughs at me though. He knows he’s stronger than me and I hate that.

I hate feeling weak.

I hate feeling captured.

And now I suddenly hate myself for ever thinking a guy like Keith was a decent guy. Like, okay, sure, he’s always been mean and rude and drunk and all that… but he was just Keith. It was never like this until now…

I demanded him to let me go.

I start screaming.

People start looking at us.

I know - at least I hope - he can’t do anything else.

I order him to let me go a second time.

He shrugs and listens to me.

There’s a problem though. I’m pulling away from him with all my force. Terrified that he’s going to hurt me. So when he does release his grasp on my arm, I turn and fall forward.

And by falling forward, I mean I go face-first into the porch pillar.

My face hits the pillar.

The right side of my face.

There’s an explosion of pain first.

Then I hear the first laugh and embarrassment sets in…

I grabbed for Henry’s arm as he drove. Really fast.


“Too late, Sage,” he said. “Too fucking late.”

My body shivered.

I wasn’t sure how violence was going to make this better.

I had never seen Henry like this before.

The look in his eyes.

The pure rage.

At one point he looked at me.

“Say it,” he said. “Say it. Tell me not to do this. Tell me right now not to do this and I’ll pull over. Or I’ll turn around. I’ll take you home.”

That was my chance to stop this.

My jaw tightened and I swallowed hard.
