Page 107 of Tell Me I'm Yours

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“Take me with you when you narrow the list down to places you want to see in person,” he requested.

My heart squeezed inside my chest. “I wouldn’t ever go without you. Now let me finish those pancakes.”

He reluctantly let me go and went to the coffee maker. I watched as he put my favorite brew into the machine.

God, it amazed me that Dylan never really thought about doing things for me. He did it as automatically as he would do it for himself.

“You do know that you don’t have to cook for me, right?” he asked. “You’re busy, too. I told you I could hire someone or just have a chef come in for evening meals.”

I did still cook for Dylan every evening, but I did it because I wanted to, not because I felt like I had to. “I want to,” I told him. “You take care of me all the time. I like doing the one thing you can’t do well for yourself. I do like to take care of you, too.”

I smiled as I glanced over at the enormous bouquet of roses that Dylan had given me Friday night.

It wasn’t the first time he’d brought me flowers, and I knew it wouldn’t be the last.

He did so many thoughtful things for me, and even though it wasn’t easy to find anything I could do for a man who had everything, I tried just as hard to remind him that I loved him and thought about him every single day.

I grabbed the boiling kettle from the stove, put Dylan’s favorite tea in the small teapot, and poured the water over it so it could steep.

He came up beside me and put my mug of coffee close enough so I could reach it. “You take care of me just by being here with me,” he informed me. “Anything else you want to do is a bonus.”

He deserved as many of those bonuses as he could get, as far as I was concerned.

“This is almost ready,” I told him as he took a seat at the island. “After last night, I think you need sustenance.”

He shot me a sexy grin. “You do realize that I’ll be completely refueled after this.”

“That was the plan, handsome,” I teased.

He shot me a heated look before he asked, “Did you make a decision about letting me gift ACM to you? If not, I’m going to be shopping for another appropriate engagement gift.”

Oh, Lord. That could be frightening. “There’s so much I want to do with ACM, starting with a UK office so I can go international. I think I’d need help from a brilliant business mind for consultations,” I told him.

“Then I guess it’s convenient that you have one of those extremely close at hand.” His voice was nonchalant, but his expression was pensive. “I’ll be there with you every step of the way, sweetheart,” he vowed as he rose and walked around the island to me. “Not that you really need me, but I’ll be here if you do. Are you saying you’re going to reach out and grab what you want?”

I nodded. “Yes. It’s kind of ridiculous not to accept. We are going to be married, you are Dylan Lancaster with more money than God, and ACM means a lot to me.” I turned the heat off the stove, jumped into his arms, and hugged him. “Thank you for the most incredible engagement gift a woman could ever receive.”

I pulled his head down and kissed him, my heart dancing because I’d actually been lucky enough to find this man I loved so damn much and who would do anything to make me happy.

“Thank fuck,” he grumbled. “I wasn’t looking forward to trying to find another gift that would make you as happy as ACM.”

“I love you, Dylan,” I told him. “Anything else is just a bonus for me, too. But I think we should clear one thing up.”

“I love you, too, sweetheart,” he replied. “What do we need to clarify?”

I looked into his eyes as I told him, “I already reached out and grabbed exactly what I wanted, and I’m looking at him. ACM is important, but not as vital as the guy I want to spend the rest of my life with.”

“I might have missed that whole grabbing part,” he said in a husky tone. “Would you like to grab me again just so I remember what that was all about?”

I shook my head. “You’re already mine, Dylan Lancaster, and I’m not letting go. A repeat is impossible, but after we finish these pancakes, I’d be more than happy to remind you that I’m yours.”

He shot me a wicked grin as he tightened his arms around me. “Bloody hell, woman,” he growled, his eyes filled with sensual anticipation as he started to lower his head to kiss me. “If that’s your plan after we refuel, I think we’re going to need to make a few more batches of those pancakes.”

The End
