Page 4 of Tell Me I'm Yours

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“I’m not going to the wedding.”

Oh yes, you are.

I curled my fingers around the handle of my suitcase. “I assume the bedrooms are upstairs?”

“You’re not going upstairs,” he growled. “Leave.”

“This isn’t your house, so technically, you’re a squatter,” I informed him. “This place belongs to Damian because you signed everything over to him. And I highly doubt he’s going to kick me out. Believe it or not, he likes me.”

He raised a brow. “I highly doubt that. You’re a thoroughly unlikable female.”

I laughed. “I’d be completely likable if you weren’t such an asshole.”

I could see the muscle in Dylan’s jaw twitch, and I knew he was losing his patience, if he ever had any to begin with, so I said, “I’ll just show myself upstairs.”

“If you think you can tolerate six weeks with me, you’re delusional,” he said.

There was something in his voice that stopped me from tossing back a smart-ass reply.

Something desperate.

Something vulnerable.


I hated the fact that I couldn’t completely harden my heart when it came to Dylan Lancaster. I didn’t exactly like him, but he had suffered significant loss.

I headed for the stairs with my suitcase in tow. “We can do this easy and friendly, or you can make it hard. Your choice.”

“What are you, my mum?” he taunted.

“No, I’m your new babysitter for the next six weeks.” I kept heading for the stairs without looking back at him.

“You’ll be gone in twenty-four hours!” he called after my retreating figure.

My heart ached because I could hear a little bit of fear in his tone, like everyone before me had abandoned him, so he just expected that everyone else would, too.

I’m not going anywhere, big guy.

I wasn’t just here to make sure Dylan stayed out of trouble, although that was definitely one of my goals.

Nicole had given me a partnership in ACM, even though I didn’t have the funds to buy in.

In return, I wanted to do something to thank her for being more like a sister than a friend. And for trusting me to take care of her mom’s business. I really wanted to give Damian his brother back. The real Dylan Lancaster. Not the asshole who was currently inhabiting his body.

It was the one thing that would mean everything to Nicole and Damian.

I smiled as I climbed the stairs.

I couldn’t think of a better wedding present than that.
