Page 56 of Auctioned Virginity

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He was already a dead man, but if he thought to touch a single hair on her head, it would be far worse than a bullet to the brain.

After another hour, we rolled into the industrial lot, where people milled about loading and unloading trucks. The car finally stopped outside my building. It was unnaturally quiet. Not a single person in or out, when it should have heaved with workers.

“I’ll go in first,” Cas said, opening his door.

I nodded, feeling around under the seat for my tactical vest. Leaving Julietta in such a hurry, I hadn’t had time to slip one on. My hand patted the carpeted floor, coming up empty.

Unease spread through me. It shouldn’t have been moved for any reason.

When I turned to the unloading dock door that was rolled up, Cas gestured for me to come in. I sighed, checking the magazine in my Glock before stuffing a second into my pocket.

My gaze assessed every movement in nearby lots, then scanned the building before me. With the large door rolled up, I could catch a glimpse of the dark, empty interior.

At the entrance, I turned to Castiel. “Where is the informant?”

“Jerome said the main office, where it’s quieter.”

Our footsteps were light, yet the soft clack of our shoes against the polished floor boomed in the stillness. As we approached the office door, light spilling around the blinds that covered the window, I paused.

Castiel rapped his knuckles against the wood, and then there was a pregnant pause.

Nothing stirred. No muffled voices reached us.

I grabbed the door handle and turned, throwing it open.

The room was empty. No rope, duct tape, or zip ties to offer that anyone had been held in this room.

Whirling toward Cas, I opened my mouth to say…something.

Then the first bullet whizzed by my face, hitting the glass behind me. It shattered in a piercing crash.

Castiel shouted “Get down!” before tackling me to the floor.

Men poured in through the open bay door like an infestation of cockroaches. Gunfire rained down around us.

We were moving, crawling across the floor. Cas grunted, forcing me to glance back. A perfect hole penetrated his front. The lack of blood told me he was wearing his tactical gear.

“Go!” he shouted, gesturing to the back door only twenty feet away.

At the same time, we launched to our feet, Cas blocking my back with his body.

We reached the door, but just before I could open it a voice bellowed, “There’s nowhere you can hide her that I won’t find her, Romero! I know where she is!”

I whirled, rage barreling through me.

The force of a bullet tearing into my chest knocked me back a step. I only barely caught the satisfied glint in a familiar man’s face before the pain exploded. Air evaded me.

Castiel pulled me out the door, my legs seeming to forget how to move. I was pushed into the back of the car. Then we were speeding away, more shots following us.

“Stay with me, boss,” he barked from the front.

But all I could focus on was covering the hole that spilled out so much warmth. Crimson painted my front, the seat, pooling in the leather grooves like tiny rivers of blood.

Breathing hurt. Everything hurt.

There’s nowhere you can hide her. I know where she is.

Black tinged the edge of my vision. Gasping, I tried to form words. My tongue was too heavy, my lips glued together.
