Page 10 of Seize

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I swallowed hard at his admission, feeling my breathing pick up as he drew closer, barely able to get the next word to leave my mouth. “And…”

He clenched his jaw for a moment, his eyes searching my face as he seemed to consider his answer.

“Shay,” Calli called from somewhere in the house, her heavy footsteps moving quickly toward us.

Bishop instantly fell back, his hands curling into fists. “You’re Calli’s best friend. You’re important to her, so you’re important to the club.”

My shoulders slumped. I understood. The club was protective of its members and their families.

I guess that included me.

I just didn’t know why that answer made me feel so disappointed.

“I got it!” Calli appeared suddenly in the doorway to the kitchen, her eyes watery and a wide grin on her face, waving her phone in the air. “I got it!”

“No way,” I replied, shaking my head as the smile on my face grew to mirror hers. I bounced toward her. “You got it?”

Bishop cleared his throat. “I’m going to need you to hurry up and be a little more specific as to exactly what you got,” he ordered, each word spoken slowly and with purpose.

“I got an internship with this television network in New York City!” Calli explained, bouncing on her toes. “It’s for three months, and they want me to fly in next weekend and start next Monday!” Calli had been twisting herself in knots, waiting to hear about this opportunity. There were only two spaces, and at least five hundred people applied.

It was a once in a lifetime. And I was so damn happy for her.

Bishop walked over and wrapped his arm around her neck, pressing a kiss to her temple. “Fucking proud of you, kiddo.”

She stepped back and looked up at him with tears in her eyes. “Thanks, Dad,” she whispered, but suddenly that smile dropped. “Oh my God, Shay. I don’t want to leave you alone in the apartment. I know you don’t like—”

I waved her off. “I’ll be fine,” I argued before she could out me as a scaredy cat, but I would deal with it for the next few months. “I’ll get a camera or a dog, or I’ll just take all the night shifts and sleep during the day. You are going to take this damn job come hell or high water.”

The smile began to form again, and she ran at me, the both of us colliding in laughter. “We are going out on Tuesday night to celebrate before I have to leave. I can’t believe it! I can’t!”

“I can. You’re amazing. Of course they wanted you!”

Calli deserved it. She was the most genuine person I knew. She had big dreams but was also the kind of woman who was willing to work her ass off to achieve them and not compromise her values on the way to the top.

There was a loud pop, and we both jumped, spinning around to find Bishop with a bottle of champagne in one hand and the cork in the other. “Thought it was time I pulled out the good shit.”

“Yes,” she exclaimed, grabbing the bottle and rushing out toward the backyard, where I knew all the boys from the club would be. It’s where they were every Sunday without fail.

Apparently, it was a tradition Calli’s mom started when she and Bishop started dating.

She died when Calli was young, and they’ve continued it ever since, which honestly warmed my heart in ways I’d never experienced before.

Bishop reached up into one of the cupboards and grabbed some wine glasses, making me chuckle.

He glanced back at me, and I quickly covered my mouth. “Sorry,” I said, another laugh breaking through before I could stop it. “Sorry, it’s just that we both know by the time you get out there, they’ll all just be taking shots from the bottle.”

He paused, a smirk briefly tugging at the corner of his mouth, surprising me. Then he placed the glasses back down. “Goddamn bikers,” he cursed, though I know he meant it as a joke. “You sure you’re gonna be okay on your own at the apartment? Calli said—”

“I’ll be okay,” I assured him, though I wasn’t sure I was very convincing because he raised his eyebrows. “Like I said, I’ll probably move many of my shifts to night shifts.”

He nodded. “Well, there’s room here if you need it.”

I smiled. The invitation was gruff but genuine. “I appreciate it.”

Calli’s voice echoed through the house. “Shay, come on!”

He stepped to the side and nodded. “Go.”
