Page 30 of Seize

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My mouth dropped open, and I caught myself, bracing my hand against the wall. “What… they… who…” I mumbled, not a single word making any kind of sense, while Bishop simply rolled his shoulders back, a deep frown etching itself into his brows.

“Grab a couple of the boys. We’re gonna go see what the damage is,” he ordered. “Is Hawk still around? I need him to make a phone call for me.”

“I’ll grab him,” Blue answered, hurrying out of the room, the footfalls from his heavy boots echoing down the hall.

I rushed over to the sofa, reaching for my bag. “I’ll follo—”

Bishop grabbed my arm, holding me captive. “No, you’re going to stay here.”

I tore out of his grasp. “Why?”

“Because at least the clubhouse is fucking bulletproof…” he said sternly before lowering his voice and adding, “… and we haven’t finished this discussion yet.”

With that, he was out the door, and I couldn’t even muster the energy to chase him. Instead, I collapsed onto the sofa, sucking in a sharp breath when my ribs twisted a little too much. “Goddammit,” I cursed before barking out a laugh. “How the hell did I get here today?”

No sleep.

A fistfight with a human trafficker.

Admitted my feelings for my best friend’s dad.

Barely escaped death by being here instead of at my apartment, which was exactly what I was complaining about just a few minutes ago, thinking Bishop was out of his mind.

I needed sleep. A lot of fucking sleep.

Chapter Twelve


“You sure you don’t want to wait a couple of days before you do this?” Hawk questioned, quickly holding his hands up when I fired him a narrowed glare.

Hawk was my VP but also my nephew.

I trusted his opinion for both of those reasons.

Because he was family, I knew his concerns were genuine, and his job as my VP was to have my back and question me when he thought I didn’t see the full picture. Many men had lost themselves within their ego after becoming president, thinking they always knew what was right and that their word should be law.

But I didn’t run my club that way. I made sure the men beside me felt as though they could speak up, especially when I had them strolling through one of the most prestigious country clubs in Michigan.

It wasn’t fucking ideal.

“If we don’t do this today, shit is only going to get worse when Vince gets out of lockup and comes back for round two,” I explained as we marched past the restaurant building, ignoring the horrified stares of the wealthy as they ate their lunch and heading down the path toward the golf course.

“If I’d known we’d be golfing today, I’d have worn my pink and blue sweater vest,” Match joked, dramatically flicking his long hair back from his shoulder. The echo of our heavy boots thumping against concrete bounced off the trees as we wound down a path probably big enough for a couple of golf carts.

The Forreston Country Club wasn’t exactly on my bingo card either, but when Hawk had called about twenty minutes ago, letting me know he’d managed to get hold of Frank Martelli, I didn’t care where I had to meet him. This wasn’t a conversation I could put off.

“I’m glad we prepared the staff at the front door for all the phone calls they’re about to get,” Hawk muttered as another couple in their polished outfits spotted us and turned the other way, the woman hastily pulling a cell phone from her pocket.

“Me too,” I agreed. “Last thing I need today is to have to deal with more fucking cops.”

The day had already been a headache.

Vince had been dragged away and thrown in jail before six this morning. By six thirty, a couple of his boys were already shooting up Calli and Shay’s apartment in retaliation for what she’d done.

Vince would stand up in front of a judge sometime that afternoon, and there was no doubt in my mind they were going to release him with some bullshit fine for causing a disturbance.

They weren’t going to go after him for Alice.
