Page 37 of Seize

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“Fucking hell,” I cursed, rolling my eyes but following him. I pulled up a stool while Hawk flipped the cap off a beer. “The woman really thought those bastards were into arts and crafts, but they were just going to the damn class so they had something to think about later when they were jacking off.”

“But she did it anyway ’cause she always put herself second and everyone else first,” Hawk stated with a heavy sigh, sliding me the drink.

My hands gripped the beer. “She and Shay have that in common.”

“Maybe it’s the sign of the perfect Old Lady for a president.” Goddamn this bastard.

“You got something to say, VP, just say it,” I grumbled.

Hawk didn’t hold back. He never did. “You’re making a mistake if you don’t admit to yourself soon how you really fucking feel.”

I raised one brow. “And Calli?”

“Calli will get over it.”

I choked out a laugh. “You done with the words of wisdom?”

Hawk’s smug grin got a little wider. “Yeah, Prez. I’m done.”

Like I said before, I didn’t run my club like my word was law.

My men were welcome to share their opinions.

But at times like those, I wished they would keep them to themselves.

Chapter Fifteen


Backroad was reasonably tame as Kadey and I walked through the doors.

Missy spotted us immediately, waving us toward the empty bar with a bright smile. We wandered over and climbed onto a barstool.

“Hey, you two,” she greeted happily, leaning over to tug on one of Kadey’s pigtails. “You want a milkshake, squirt?”

The young girl rolled her eyes and swatted her mom’s hand away, acting like she was too old to show that kind of affection in public, but she couldn’t hide the flash of a smile that appeared a second later. “Yes, please.”

Watching them together made my heart hurt for just a moment.

I’d spent a lot more time thinking about my mom the past few days.

She was so beautiful. And smart. A lot like Missy, actually.

She made sacrifices so Ali and I could have some kind of a normal childhood, risking her own life so we could go to school or sign up for certain classes and sports. She worked her ass off every day while living in constant fear.


That’d been my main question. How did she manage to make it look so easy? How did she keep everything from crumbling? Truth was, she didn’t.

She was fighting a battle she was always going to lose.

“You were right,” I said as I leaned into the bar and looked around. “It is pretty quiet.”

“It’s the calm before the storm,” Missy joked and lifted a glass. “You want a beer?”

“Yes. Please.”

Missy had asked me to pick up Kadey from baseball practice and hang out with her for an hour or so while Hawk was doing some club stuff and she was finishing a shift. I had my suspicions about it, though, almost positive they were conspiring with Bishop to keep me busy and close by because when Kadey and I had pulled into Backroad’s parking lot, I noticed Hawk and Bishop’s motorcycles parked right by the front doors.
