Page 42 of Seize

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“Yeah, being around you really does that to me.”

Ali quickly stepped between us as he always did when we bickered.

I wasn’t sure what he was more scared of—Jason hurting me or me putting him in his place if he tried.

“What are these doing out?” Jason commented, walking by and plucking the small pill bag from the coffee table.

“Shay’s struggling a little at the moment…”

I shot my brother a hard glare. “Ali…”

“So I gave her something from your emergency stash. I hope that’s cool. She really needs it.”

“I don’t,” I argued through clenched teeth. “Hence, why they’re on the table.”

Jason held them out, fluttering the packet around as he walked toward me. “Oh, come on, I remember the things you used to do for these tiny pills.”

I clenched my teeth, fighting the urge to kick him in the balls. “Well, as fun as this little reunion has been, I’ve got somewhere to be.”

Jason released a dramatic sigh, turned back to the sitting area, and returned with my purse in his hands. “Well, you know where I am now if you ever need any help.”

I snatched my bag from his hands and screwed up my nose. “Don’t hold your breath.”

Ali fell into step with me as I marched back through the foyer toward the front door. “Shay,” he hissed through the side of his mouth. “Why do you have to be so rude?”

“It’s fine, man,” Jason called, causing us to come to a stop. “I’ve dealt with addict Shay before. I don’t take it personally.”

I tried to turn, but Ali grabbed my hand and dragged me to the front of the house. “Just go, Shay,” he ordered, pulling on the handle and forcing me onto the front patio. “The last thing I need right now is you pissing him off. He’s giving me a job next week. I need this.”

Tearing my hand from his gasp, I took a few steps back. “You’re really going to take his side again?”

“I’m not doing this, Shay.”

I threw my hands in the air, storming down the concrete path to my car. “Fine!”

“I love you,” he called, but all I could do was throw a wave over my shoulder.

It felt like these days, all we did was argue.

My brother had always struggled with standing up for himself and me. He always followed along and did what everyone else was doing. And when Jason appeared on the scene after we lost Mom, he clung even harder because Jason gave him something he’d been searching for since Dad first started his vendetta—an escape.

From responsibility. From memories. From life.

When Jason was around, Ali didn’t think. He just did what he was told and kissed ass because Jason held the power.

And that just made me feel so fucking sick because while he was just handing over control of his life to that asshole, I was fighting for control of mine.


Bishop wasn’t home when I pulled into the driveway.

I tried not to be disappointed, knowing he wouldn’t be too far away.

We’d made a deal this morning when I’d told him I needed to go and see Ali. He would give me two hours without one of the boys stalking me, but I had to let Match install an app on my phone so he knew where I was.

A little invasive, maybe, but not exactly unwelcome.

With Vince making his presence and interest in my relationship with Bishop well known last night, having Bishop or one of the boys be able to get to me quickly was actually comforting.
