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Unleash The Monster

Prologue: The Carver

He made her bleed.

He cut into her ivory flesh.

He hurt what was mine!

No one hurts Temptress but me.

No one makes my Siren bleed but me.

Her blood is mine! Every. Fucking. Drop!

He showed me his cards. Well, I’m about to show him mine!

The barbed wire that is laced in the bindings shreds through my wrist. I endure the pain as I let the blood drip to the floor. I continue to tug and twist as the sharp points dig into my flesh. I can’t think of anything else but blood. Jade is suffering, and she’s suffered enough, but I’ll make it better. I’ll make him suffer next. I need the binds to loosen a little more and I’ll be able to get my wrist out. Then it’s on mother fucker! Dario is devastated next to Spade; I see the tears rolling down his face. He knew this would happen to Jade. He’d said it time and time again. Spade just stares, anger riddling his features; he wants this kill just as bad as I do. Spade’s bloodlust doesn’t reach the same heights as mine, but it’s there. His love for her knows no bounds. He will die for her. He will kill for her. We all will. Watching the scene play out in front of us is like watching Amelia’s murder all over again, except this time, we won’t freeze; we won’t stand here and watch. It’s bad enough that we are left helpless, fighting our binds to save our girl. Every time he pumps into her, rage ensues in my veins. I growl into the gag, needing to unleash the monster. Needing his blood on my hands. I want to rip him apart. D’mitri doesn’t get to leave this house until he’s fucking mutilated.

I lock eyes with my Temptress, pain laces through her gorgeous eyes. I wish I could convey to her that she will be okay, that she will not let this mother fucker break her. That’s my job. I just need her to hold on a little longer. The Carver is on his way. She looks at the others as I feel a presence enter the room to my left. I turn my head slightly, looking at our new guest without alerting this cocksucker. Kayla holds the gun with shaky hands and points it at Jade. I yell into the gag, but the gun goes off, causing a ringing noise in my ears from the proximity. I pull at the binds, finally freeing my hands. Blood pours from my wrist as I remove the gag from my mouth and wrap both wrists to stop the blood from spilling.

I unleash a savage roar.

“It’s time to play, motherfucker!”

I’d like to introduce myself…

I’m The Carver.


Welcome To The Jungle

- The Carver-

“Kayla, I need you to untie my brothers and Jade!” I yell. She just stands there, motionless. I walk up to her and smack her across the face, snapping her out of it. She blinks.

“Kayla, get them untied, now.” I command. She nods, not saying a word. She goes for my brothers first, while I grab the binds that were tied to my wrist. D’mitri lays motionless on top of Jade. Looking at him now, I can see Kayla shot him in the shoulder and chest. The last bullet went wide. I pull him off her and throw him to the ground. His head smacks the tile floor, waking him up in a blind rage. I grab his face and slam his head down on the floor to slow his ass down. I will not do this fast. No, I’m going to take my mother fucking time. He killed my best friend, our fourth, and hurt my girl—our girl. He’s been working with my father this entire time. I let out another roar.

“Get him, Carver.”

“This is going to be so much fun.”

“Kill him, Jameson.”

I let him get to his feet, holding his chest. His eyes go wide at the scene. He didn’t think his plan through; he didn’t think I’d get out of those binds.

“Come on, bitch, give it your best shot.” I taunt, leading him further into the living room and away from Jade. Kayla is working on untying the binds for Dario. Jade is sobbing as Spade unties her.

“She’s mine, you prick. There’s no coming back from this, she’s ruined.” He coughs while chuckling, causing blood to dribble from his mouth. Kayla got him good in the chest.

“I don’t give a fuck what you think. You’re dead!” I say punching him in the throat. He makes a gasping sound, but I don’t care, I keep going.

“Come on, hit me; Mr. big bad MC enforcer.” I laugh maniacally. He swings at me, connecting with my jaw. I let it happen. Make no mistake. My head whips to the side slightly, and I look back at him with a sinister smile on my face.

“You hit like a bitch.” I charge at him, slamming his body into the wall below the TV. His head bounces off of it, making him cough up more blood. I step back, letting him right himself. Dario saddles up next to me, handing me a knife.
