Page 119 of Shadow Beasts

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Dewey chuckled as he perched on the edge of the dumpster, his feet dangling in the air. “Probably have frostbite.”

“Yeah,” Paige said with a laugh.

Dewey froze, his eyes going wide. “Wait a minute. Frostbite?” He flew from his perch, studying the puddle of Paige. His eyes widened farther, and he swallowed hard. “Oh no.”


“You’re starting to freeze! Around the edges. Like an ice cube.”

“So, what’ll happen when I start to turn back to normal?”

“That’s the problem. You won’t. You’ll freeze to death first.”


Paige’s eyes went wide, and her wobbly jaw fell open. “Freeze to death? Are you serious?”

Dewey flung an arm toward the door. “I am. Paige, you’ve got to get back inside. Quick!”

Paige attempted to slide toward the door.

Dewey waved her on. “Quick, Paige! Hurry!”

“Ugh,” Paige groaned. “I can’t. I’m stuck.”

Dewey floated over top of her, studying the edges of the puddle forming her entity. “You’re stuck to the pavement. Frozen to it, rather.”

A frosty tear formed at the corner of Paige’s eye. “Then I guess this is the end for me.”

“Not if I can help it.” Dewey wrinkled his nose and squeezed his lips together.

His teal face began to turn purple, and he shook all over. He reared his head back before thrusting it forward with his neck stretching to its max and opening his mouth. His tongue rolled out, and fire shot from his throat. He aimed it at the pavement near Paige.

Paige forced herself to move. The heated pavement near her allowed her to tear herself away and inch toward the door. “Almost! Keep going, Dewey!”

Dewey reared back and blew another swath of fire. Paige sped toward the door and slipped inside.

Her teeth chattered when she hit the warmer floor and air. The puddle that made up her body rippled as she trembled all over.

“Paige?” a tiny voice called. “Paige, did you make it?”

“Yeah,” she answered, inching as close to the door as she could.

The door jimmied in the jamb as Dewey collapsed against it. “Whew. Thank goodness. Oh, that fire breathing really took it all out of me.”

“Really?” Paige asked.

“Whew, yeah. I’m spent.”

Paige fidgeted around as she started to tingle all over. “Isn’t breathing fire like breathing for a dragon? Just natural?”

“No. Not for me anyway. My fire reserves are small. Like me. It takes a lot to get the flames going. Now, my older sister… Ho-ho, you do not want to be around her when she’s mad.”

“Got a nice set of fire reserves, does she?” Paige asked with a chuckle.

“That she does, Paige. That she does.”

“I ought to take some of this stuff home and use it to spy on my neighbor, Devon.”
