Page 120 of Shadow Beasts

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“I don’t know what he does upstairs in his apartment, but he’s constantly making noise.”

“Hmm, I suppose in your current state, you could slip right in and see.”

Paige chuckled, wobbling around on the floor. “Yeah.”

Silence fell between them for a few moments before Paige spoke up again. “Hey, Dewey?”


“I feel tingly all over.”

The door jimmied in the jamb. “Good! That’s good. It means the effect is wearing off. With any luck, you’ll be normal three-dimensional Paige again.”

“I’d cross my fingers, but I’m still just a blob.”

Dewey chuckled and tapped the door. “You won’t be for long.”

“Thank goodness.”

After another minute passed, the tingling turned into discomfort. The discomfort slid into pain.

“Ugh,” Paige moaned as she fidgeted. “This hurts.”

“Sorry,” Dewey called through the door, “I think it’ll be pretty painful to come back from that state.”

Paige gritted her teeth as they began to take solid form. Slowly, her body reshaped itself, and she groaned as the process continued. After an agonizing three and a half minutes, she writhed on the floor, shaking off the last bits of tingly pain in her extremities.

She stared up at the ceiling, pressing her hands all over her reshaped body. “I’m me! I’m normal!”

“I wouldn’t go that far,” Dewey joked from outside.

Paige sat up, feeling her hair and then her legs.

“Oh, stop,” she said. “You’re such a–“

“Such a what?” Dewey called.

“Uh-oh,” Paige answered, her eyes wide as she scrambled to stand.

A lone light shone in the distance, pointing at her. The man behind the light shouted something in Russian and began to stride toward her.

“What is it?” Dewey asked.

Paige winced as she smacked into the crash bar and shoved the door open. She ran into the alley behind the building, grabbing her tote and tossing it on her shoulder.

“Run!” she shouted at Dewey.

He grabbed the carrier and rose in the air, buzzing down the alley after Paige. Her feet slapped the pavement as she raced for the main road.

Seconds later, the door burst open again. The Russian security guard skidded onto the pavement. He shouted again, waving his fist at them.

Before they spilled into the next street, Paige slid to a stop and grabbed the carrier swinging from Dewey’s paws. “Get in, quick.”

Dewey hopped inside, and Paige slung the open container over her shoulder, tugging it closed as she stepped into the street. A few people milled around, their breath fogging the air as they walked.

“We need to find a cab,” Paige said as she scanned the streets.
