Page 142 of Shadow Beasts

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“Good,” he said. “Because Paige Turner must be eliminated.”


Paige gasped as the man strode from the room, leaving the shaggy-haired man behind. He clenched his fists before he knocked a table over with a vicious growl, his features contorting into a wolf-like face before settling back into a set of human features.

Dewey tapped the top of Paige’s head.

“Go!” he whispered as he flicked on the flashlight.

Paige scurried down the hall with Dewey clinging to her shoulder. They emerged into the suite.

Dewey flew from her shoulder, flying back and forth around the room in his version of pacing.

“Did you hear that?” Paige asked, leaning against the wall as she gasped in breaths.

Dewey clenched his paws into fists. “Yeah. They’re trying to kill you. I’d bet they’re werewolves.”

“No kidding! The one guy almost morphed into a wolf right in front of our eyes.”

“This is terrible. But also good.”

Paige screwed up her face. “Huh?”

“Terrible that the werewolves are already here and looking to kill you. But also good because it must mean we’re on the right track. The deal they were discussing must be for the mirror.”

Paige pushed off the wall and paced the floor, running her fingers through her fiery hair. “What are we going to do?”

A knock at the door interrupted their conversation. Their gazes cut to the door, and Paige winced.

“Go hide in the bathroom!” she hissed, shooing him toward the door across the space.

A knock sounded again.

“Ms. Turner?” Helen called. “I have your order from the pub.”

Dewey flew into the bathroom and eased the door closed behind him.

“Coming!” Paige called as she pulled the secret passage closed, wincing as the door scraped across the floor.

She dove toward the couch and tossed the empty carrier behind it. She cleared her throat and adjusted her sweater as she strode to the door, trying to compose herself.

She sucked in a breath, blowing it out through parted lips as she adjusted her glasses, then tugged the door open.

The paper bag crackled as Helen waved it at her with a grin. “Two fish and chips and two butterscotch puddings for the hungry traveler!”

“Thank you,” Paige said, grabbing the bag and starting to close the door.

Helen stuck her foot in the opening before she clicked it closed. “Oh, ah, is there anything else I can get you? Maybe a glass of wine or an ale?”

“Oh, no thanks. I’m good with the bottled water on the nightstand.” Paige waved a finger toward the setup.

She tried the door again, but Helen continued to block it.

Her eyes darted inside, focusing on the closed bathroom door for a second until she refocused on Paige. “Everything satisfactory with the room?”

“It’s lovely,” Paige said with a grin. “I’ve never stayed in a castle before. I’m sure I’ll have a great first night in that bed, though!”

Helen eyed the closed bathroom door for a moment again. “Well, if you need anything, let me know.”
