Page 111 of Professor Daddies

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My breath comes in short gasps, each one mingling with Levi’s as his lips find mine in a kiss that sets my world ablaze. Conrad kneels before me, his hands roaming over my thighs with a hunger that mirrors the ache within me. Grayson watches, his eyes dark with desire, waiting for his moment to join.

“Relax,” Levi whispers against my mouth, and I melt into him, trusting completely.

Conrad’s fingers trail higher, teasing the edge of my panties, and a shiver races down my spine. He hooks his fingers into the fabric, pulling them away with a swift motion, revealing my bareness to their gaze.

“Beautiful,” Grayson murmurs, and I feel it rather than hear it—a vibration through my body.

Levi’s hands explore my torso, slipping under my shirt to caress the soft skin of my back. His touch sends ripples of pleasure through me, and when he finally lifts my shirt over my head, I’m exposed and unashamed, bared for them and their adoration.

Grayson steps forward then, his lips trailing down my neck, finding that sensitive spot that makes my knees buckle. Levi supports me, his arms like steel bands around my waist.

Conrad’s tongue flicks out, tasting me where I am most sensitive, and I gasp, a sound lost in the space between our bodies. The room spins, but I’m anchored by their touch, their presence.

“Are you ready?” Grayson asks, voice husky with need.

I nod, unable to form words as the rest of our clothes are quickly removed. Levi lowers himself to lie on his back on the plush carpet. I straddle him happily, lowering my already dripping core over his length. Warmth presses at my entrance, and I brace myself, lowering myself onto him inch by deep inch. Conrad doesn’t wait, kneeling behind me, his own hardness pressing in insistently alongside Levi until he too is part of me, filling me in a way I’ve never known.

“Open for us, Brielle,” Levi’s voice is both command and plea, and I obey, surrendering to the sensation as Grayson positions himself, kneeling next to us on the ground. His length brushes my lips, and I welcome him, tasting him, my tongue swirling around the tip.

Together, they move, a symphony of thrusts and licks, pushing me further into the abyss of pleasure. My body becomes a conduit for our shared desire, each stroke stoking the fire within me until it consumes everything else.

“More,” I beg, and they give it to me—more intensity, more passion, more of themselves. Their rhythms converge, and I am lost in the dance, my cries a melody to their powerful movements.

“Come for us, Brielle,” Conrad urges, his voice strained with his own pleasure.

And I do, once, twice, a cascade of climaxes that tear through me, leaving nothing in their wake but blissful exhaustion and the warmth of their bodies entwined with mine.

Soon we’re a tangle of limbs and labored breaths, the afterglow wrapping around us like a cocoon. Sweat cools on my skin, but the warmth from Grayson, Levi, and Conrad lingers, seeping deep into my bones.

“Wow,” I whisper, the word a soft puff of air against Grayson’s thigh.

“More than wow,” Conrad chuckles, his chest vibrating against my back.

“Agreed,” Levi murmurs, his fingers tracing idle patterns on my hip.

I close my eyes, letting their presence, their touch, anchor me in this moment—this perfect, unorthodox moment. It feels right, like puzzle pieces clicking together, forming a picture I hadn’t realized was incomplete until now. My past, riddled with shadows of my father’s disapproval, fades away, insignificant in the face of this new life pulsing within me.

“Are you okay?” Grayson’s concern cuts through my reverie.

“Better than okay,” I breathe out, turning to meet his gaze. “I’m happy.”

“Good.” Levi’s voice is warm, his smile genuine. “You deserve to be happy, Brielle.”

I nod, a rush of emotions swelling in my chest. Here, with these three men, I discover a fulfillment I didn’t know I craved. The love I sought within the confines of society’s norms pales in comparison to what I feel now—a love that defies convention, yet feels as natural as breathing.

“Welcome home,” Conrad says softly, kissing my shoulder.

“Thank you,” I respond, the gratitude spilling from my lips.

As I reflect on the path that led me here, I realize that it isn’t just about acceptance—it’s about embracing who I am and what I want. I’ve found contentment in their arms, a sense of belonging that tells me this is where I’m meant to be.

“Let’s do this together,” I say, more to myself than to them, a promise hanging in the air.

“Always,” they reply in unison.

The life ahead, unconventional as it may be, stretches out before me, filled with possibilities. I can’t predict every turn or bump along the way, but one thing is clear—I want this. I want them. And together, we’ll navigate whatever comes, our connection the compass guiding us onward.

