Page 94 of Professor Daddies

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“Shh.” He presses a finger to my lips, silencing me. “No more doubts. Let’s just feel.”

And then he’s kissing me, a kiss so deep and consuming that my protests die on my lips. His hands roam over me, claiming every inch as if he has every right to.

And maybe he does. Maybe we all belong to each other in a way that defies conventions and expectations.

The tension between us crackles, igniting into an undeniable blaze of desire. We remove our clothes, his fingers resuming the work they began downstairs on the couch, this time without the barrier of my shorts. Soon I’m shuddering and gasping and begging for him to fill me.

Levi’s body melds against mine as he guides me back onto the bed. His weight pins me down, comforting and inescapable. As he slides inside me, I gasp at the fullness, the rightness, the sheer intensity of the connection that binds us together.

“Levi,” I breathe out, lost in the rhythm he sets, a dance of bodies and hearts intertwined. My nails dig into his back, urging him closer, deeper, as if I could somehow merge our very souls with this act.

He moves with a fierce tenderness, a contradiction that speaks to the complexity of what we share. Each thrust is a word, a sentence, a paragraph in the story we’re writing together—one of passion, trust, and an unconventional love that breaks all the rules.

“Grayson…Conrad…” The names are a prayer, an absolution as Levi and I move together in the quiet night. They’re with us, in this moment, part of the tapestry we weave with our shared pleasure.

“Let go, Brielle,” Levi whispers against my neck, his breath hot and urgent. “Just be here, with me.”

And I do. I let go of the hesitation, the guilt, the fear. I embrace the present, the sensation, the man who drives me to new heights of ecstasy. Levi and I are one, and in this tangled web of relationships, I find a freedom I never knew possible.

“Levi,” I moan, gripping him tighter, giving myself over to the moment, to him, to us. The world outside fades away until there’s nothing but the beat of our hearts and the heat of our bodies joined as one.

Panting, spent, I collapse onto the soft sheets, the room still spinning from the intensity of our connection. Levi’s chest heaves against my back, his breath warm on my skin. He doesn’t pull away—not yet—and I’m grateful for the weight of him, grounding me.

“Wow,” is all I manage, a tremor in my voice betraying the aftershocks that ripple through me.

“More than wow,” Levi murmurs, his lips tracing the curve of my shoulder. His words are a feather touch, sending shivers down my spine.

He shifts, and for a moment I fear the end of our embrace, the return to reality. But instead, he wraps his arms around me, pulling me into his chest, his heartbeat steady against my back. It’s protective, possessive, and inexplicably comforting.

“Stay,” I whisper without thinking, not ready to break the cocoon of warmth we’ve created.

“Wasn’t planning on leaving,” he replies, his voice low and reassuring. Even though it’s dark, I can feel his smile against my skin.

I nestle closer, our legs tangling beneath the blanket. The remnants of our frenzied passion slowly settle into something softer, quieter. His fingers draw lazy circles on my arm, soothing and sensual all at once.

“Levi?” I ask, the name feeling both foreign and familiar on my lips.

“Hmm?” His response vibrates through me.

“Thank you.” It’s simple, but it holds the weight of my gratitude, my confusion, my wonder.

“For what?” There’s amusement in his tone, a playful note that makes me smile despite everything.

“Everything,” I say, knowing he understands. Understands that this, us, is something different, something more.

“Anytime, Brielle.” His words are a vow, a promise that lingers in the air between us.

The rhythm of his breathing slows, deepens. His grip remains firm, yet gentle—a silent oath that he’s here, he’s with me. My eyelids grow heavy, my body sinking further into the mattress as sleep beckons.

“Goodnight, Levi,” I whisper, already half-lost to the dreams waiting to claim me.

“Goodnight, Brielle,” he says, his chest rumbling against my back.

And with that, I let go, surrendering to the night, safe in the circle of Levi’s arms. The world outside fades to nothing, and for now, it’s just the two of us—drifting, drifting off to sleep.

