Page 96 of Devious Beloved

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“Ok, that was it, the barking, the spew. I’ll move in.” I tell him. He smiles, stands, and reaches for a wash cloth, I take the opportunity to admire his ass. Because now he sleeps naked too, right next to me.

“I can feel you staring at my ass,” he says, and I can’t help but smile at his ass, he wets the cloth and looks over his shoulder at me and winks before he turns and bends down to wipe my mouth. He kisses me on my cheek and then helps me up.

After walking back into the room, he immediately goes to my closet grabs a suitcase and starts packing.

“What are you doing, it’s late.”

“Fuck that, my wife just said she will come back home. Home is where we are going. The car will be here soon. Get dressed.” He looks over his shoulder at me still naked. “I can still feel you staring at my ass.”

“You are naked,” I say with a wave of the hand towards his very naked body.

“If you don’t want to get dressed, put a robe on and you can go straight back to sleep tomorrow. I’ll take the day off and we can sleep in.”

“Do you do that, take days off?” I ask him reaching for the robe.

“No, but for my wife. I will.” He slides on some pants, followed by a shirt, and picks up two suitcases full of my clothes. “We will get the rest tomorrow. Come on wife, let’s go.”

I didn’t think I would give in so early, and I tried to resist. I tried to resist him.

But he is like a magnet, I can’t seem to stay away and I only really want to stick to him.

Even though he was an asshole.

Even though he tricked me, manipulated me.

I still want him.

And the best part? He wants me more.



We’re inseparable, and I’m extremely needy. Of him and his time. I want him near me every second of every day. I love him with my whole heart. This man has stolen it and proved himself to me over and over again by constantly showing up, and being there for me better than anyone else has ever been.

I had to stop working. My feet swelled up, and Whiskey wants me to rest, but in doing that I need him more. His company seems to be the only thing that soothes me. Makes me calm when I’m hectic. Because thinking about the impending birth gives me anxiety.

Emma and Barry have moved into the apartment that I shared with Emma, and Whiskey and I are in his apartment, and we rent out the house. I preferred his apartment and its where he always felt more at home in. The baby’s room is done and ready right next door to us.

My mother and father have been around more, which comes at a surprise to both Whiskey and me, because if I wanted to see my father before, I had to make arrangements, and now they come over all the time.

Tonight is a celebration for my father’s birthday, and I’m struggling with what to wear.

Whiskey finally comes home from work, and his arms immediately wrap around my waist. “How are my beautiful girls?”

“Tired and missing you.”

He chuckles in my ear then nips it. “I’ll take time off soon, I promise.”

I groan as I reach for a red dress that’s stretchy enough for my round belly. Handing it to him, he helps me into it, then does it up. He kisses my shoulder before he steps away undoing his tie and replacing it with a red one to match what I’m wearing.

“Do I have to go?” I whine.

Whiskey has been so good. Better than good. I can’t get enough of him.

“Yes.” He kisses my nose, then grips my hand as we leave.

My mother greets us first, wrapping her arms around me. Then she kisses Whiskey on the cheek before pulling away. She still isn’t his biggest fan, but since he has been including them in all appointments with the baby, she has warmed up to him.
