Page 28 of The Heir's Disgrace

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“Do we really need to get into this?”

He loosens his arms and ticks off some items on his fingers. “You insulted me, you tried to kill me, you forced yourself on me, you didn’t open the door for me last night.”

I snort at that last one.

“So, yes,” he says. “I’d like to get into it.”

“You want an apology?”

“No,” he says quickly. Loudly, even.

“Then what?”

“I want to know why. Or I could try guessing again.”

I wave the suggestion away. I don’t want to hear any more of his “guesses” about who I am. “You’re spoiled. You’re rude. You’re entitled, and in general, you’re a rich prick.”

“That’s all?”

I nod.

“So you’re not… jealous of me?”

I huff. “You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

“So I’m a prick. So what? There are plenty of pricks in this town. Have you tried to strangle all of them?”

I glare at him, jaw ticking.

“Just me then,” he surmises. “Why?”

“I don’t know, Olivier, maybe because you can’t carry your own fucking packages like everyone else somehow manages to.”

He smirks. Something about it twists me up. His eyes go half-lidded when he does it. It’s not so much a look of derision—more like the kind of look he might give a woman he’s trying to convince to come home with him. Although, given who he is, I imagine he doesn’t need a look like that in his arsenal. Surely his reputation precedes him in this part of town.

“Point taken,” he says. “You wanted to put me in my place.”

“Not sure that’s possible,” I grumble.

“Hm. Well, maybe not by you… but I have been recently humbled.”

“I’m aware.” It’s my turn to smirk.

“I don’t mean by you.”

“Oh, I know.”

He grimaces, refolding his arms over his chest. “We’ve gotten way off topic.”

“What is the topic? Your five minutes are up.”

“You still wanna kill me?” he asks.

“Kill is a strong word.”

“Make me suffer?”
