Page 59 of The Healing Garden

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Anita wondered at the depth of his words, but goose bumps broke out on her arms anyway. “I like you too, Wyatt.”

“I think you just made my day.”

She touched her cheek. Sure enough, it was plenty hot.

“How did the talk with Carly go?” he asked.

“Surprisingly well.” Anita didn’t mind his questions, so she updated him on the conversation and the outcome. “He’s coming to visit Carly tomorrow night at our house.”

“How do you feel about that?”

She winced. “Uh . . . can I plead the Fifth?”

Wyatt laughed. “You certainly can. Although pleading the Fifth pretty much makes your opinion clear.”

“Well, I’m telling myself it’s all good, and that it won’t turn out too good to be true.”

“Do you think your ex will flake out?”

“He could, or maybe he will later. You know, visit a handful of times, then disappear again.” She wrapped the phone cord around her fingers. “I just don’t want to see Carly disappointed.”

“Yeah, I get it. She’s a great kid, and I’d think any man would be proud to have her as a daughter.”

Anita’s heart twisted at his kind words. “Thank you. I believe that as well, but I also know that not all people are wired to be attentive parents.” She cut off her words, hoping she wasn’t crossing the line.

“Yeah . . . I know that firsthand,” he said softly.

“I’m sorry, Wyatt, I didn’t mean to bring that up.”

“It’s fine. I shared about my mom with you and Carly, and I’m glad I did. I wanted her to know that there are a lot of people out there who are dealing with hard things.”

Anita still felt bad about bringing up something that must be painful.

“I’ve made peace with my parent-less life because I’ve realized how blessed I’ve been with such steadfast grandparents.”

“Your grandpa is a sweet man,” Anita said, glad that she’d sidestepped a landmine. “And I’m sure your grandma was wonderful, too.”

“She really was.” Wyatt’s tone remained subdued. “Are we still on for meeting at the center tonight? I’d love to have you and Carly there. You know, to ease him into the news about Susan.”

“We wouldn’t miss it for the world. Six thirty, right?”

“Right—soon after dinner.”


“Hey, should I pick you two up? It’s not much out of the way.”

She didn’t hesitate. “Sure, that would be great. I’ve become fond of the red Cadillac.”

Wyatt laughed. “Me too.”

She was tempted to ask him to come earlier and have dinner, but maybe that would be too much...

“It’s a plan, then,” he said, his low voice rumbling through the phone. “I’ll see you in a few hours.”

After hanging up with Wyatt, Anita remained at the kitchen table for several moments, sorting through all the things in her head. Complications, for sure, but new hope too. Wyatt had brought in that hope, as well as his grandpa.

She was determined that tonight would be a good night. She’d enjoy being with Wyatt and her daughter, and finding some answers for Mr. Davis.
