Page 60 of The Healing Garden

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To pass the time, she headed into the backyard to do some mindless gardening. She saw Phyllis in her yard before the woman noticed her.

“Hi, Phyllis. How are you?”

Her neighbor didn’t turn to greet her, so Anita moved closer to the fence. “Phyllis?” she said loudly.

The woman spun, reaching for the headphones she had on her ears. “Oh, I’m sorry that I didn’t hear you. I’m trying out this new Walkman that my son sent me for my birthday. He sent me three cassette tapes. Do you want to try it out?”

Anita reached for the Walkman over the fence. “It’s your birthday?”

“Next week,” Phyllis said, “but he’s not going to be able to visit. I suppose that’s why he was sure to send this in advance. Pretty fancy, don’t you think?”

“It’s a very nice gift,” Anita agreed. She pushed Play on the Walkman and slipped on the headphones. “Great sound, too.”

Phyllis beamed. “I love it, and I feel so hip. You should tell Carly to come and listen when she has some extra time.”

“She has one,” Anita said. “But I’m sure she’d love to try yours out.” She handed the Walkman back to Phyllis, and the woman proudly set it back on her ears.

Anita smiled to herself, then got busy with gardening, but it did nothing to keep her mind off Wyatt.

By the time six thirty rolled around, she was a bundle of nerves. She found Carly bouncing on her toes, waiting for the red car to pull up.

“He’s finally here!” she said.

Wyatt turned into the driveway, and Carly pushed out the door.

“Hang on,” Anita said with a laugh, but Carly was already halfway to the car. Anita grabbed her jacket, then closed the door and locked it.

Wyatt had stepped out of the car and opened the back door for Carly, then the passenger door, waiting for Anita.

His gaze scanned her as she approached. Maybe she’d dressed up a little more than usual. She wore a lightweight denim jumpsuit with a wide leather belt, along with kitten heels.

“Good evening,” he said as she neared.

She smirked at his formality. “Good evening, Mr. Davis.”

His smile appeared, and she stepped past him and slid into the passenger seat. He closed the door and walked around to the other side of the car. Carly leaned close and propped her arms on the upholstery between Anita and Wyatt.

“Guess what, Wyatt?”

“What?” he asked in a cheerful tone as he backed out of the driveway.

“My dad’s in town, and I’m seeing him tomorrow night.”

Wyatt cut a glance to Anita, but didn’t reveal he already knew the information. She realized they hadn’t discussed this possibility.

“Are you excited?” he asked.

“Yes and no.”

This caught Anita’s attention.

“Nervous, then?” Wyatt continued, his glance moving from the road to the rearview mirror. “It’s been a while since you’ve seen him, right?”

Carly sighed. “Yeah. Ten years. He’s probably all gray now.”

Wyatt’s brows popped up. “Isn’t he around your mom’s age?”

She shrugged. “So maybe he’s not all gray, but I’ll bet he looks old.”
