Page 63 of The Healing Garden

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He simply nodded. “Good night, Gramps.”

Mr. Davis shuffled away, Ginny at his side, without a backward glance or any sort of goodbye.

Carly stared after him. “He’s really sad.”

It was a fair assessment. “Let’s hope that Susan will get his letter,” Wyatt said.

Carly handed it over to him. “Maybe you can send it certified mail? To be signed by the person it’s addressed to?”

Wyatt’s brows lifted. “That’s an excellent idea.”

But Anita wasn’t as sure. “Would that give it too much attention and alert Lila?”

“That’s true,” he conceded.

“I wish we could just go visit her,” Carly said. “It’s not fair that Mr. Davis feels so sad about this. Why couldn’t Lila be nicer?”

Anita gave her a side hug. “We probably don’t know the whole story. Maybe Wyatt will have more luck contacting Lila again.”

He puffed out a breath of air. “I hope I don’t make her too upset by calling again. At least I can tell her I gave Gramps the message about Susan being heartbroken.”

They all fell silent for a moment.

“It’s not that late,” Carly said. “We could call her right now. Maybe Susan will answer.”

“Carly—” Anita began, but Wyatt cut in.

“That might be a good idea,” he said. “We can call her tonight. Not worth losing sleep over it—for any of us.”

Carly beamed. “Okay, then. We’re going to our house to call. There’s not much privacy here.”

Wyatt looked at Anita for confirmation, and she nodded.

“Let’s do it, then.” He walked with them out of the center, and they loaded in his car.

Once they reached the house, Anita could only hope that Lila would give Wyatt a chance to talk and explain. Maybe...maybe they could speak to Susan.

They settled at the kitchen table, and he called the number from the night before. Again, Anita and Carly scooted close to hear as much as possible.

“Is this Lila?” he said when a woman answered. “This is Wyatt Davis calling again. We spoke on the phone last night.”

“I told you not to call here again,” Lila said.

“Please don’t hang up. I have more information that you might be interested in hearing,” Wyatt rushed to say.

There was a pause, then Lila spoke. “What could you possibly have to say? I already told you—”

“We spoke to my grandpa tonight and told him what you said.” Wyatt’s gaze connected with Anita, and she nodded for encouragement. “He doesn’t have any memory of doing something that would break Susan’s heart. To get to the point, he’s devastated about it. He’d love more information. Either from you or Susan. He doesn’t want there to be any misunderstandings.” He dragged in a breath and waited.

They all waited.

Lila’s words came loud and clear. “Mr. Davis, unless my mother walks over my dead body to get to the phone, she’ll not be speaking with you or your grandfather.”

The line clicked, and Wyatt moved the receiver from his ear. “She hung up on me.”

The three of them sat in silence for a long moment.

Finally, Anita said, “We’ll mail the letter and cross our fingers.”
