Page 64 of The Healing Garden

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He nodded. “Exactly.”

“Maybe Mr. Davis can call,” Carly suggested. “Maybe Lila will listen to him.”

Wyatt patted her shoulder. “I think that’s a great idea. We’ll see if anything comes of the letter first. Wait a week or two.”

“Okay.” Carly stood from the table. “Well, if you’re done making phone calls, I’m going to call my friend Sara. She’ll want an update.”

Wyatt pushed the phone toward her. “I wish you had better news.”

“Yeah, we all do.” Carly picked up the phone and headed out of the kitchen, the cord trailing behind her.

“That kid is going places,” Wyatt said with a soft smile, his gaze connecting with Anita’s.

“She’s so invested in this, I worry that she’s being pushy.” Anita brushed at an errant crumb on the table that had escaped dinner cleanup.

“She’s not being pushy,” he said. “I like that she’s invested, too. It makes me feel like I’m not trying to come up with all the solutions for Gramps.”

“Yeah . . . are you okay? Lila was pretty rude on the phone.”

“She’s upset, that’s all,” Wyatt said. “I don’t know the whole story, but if I did, maybe we’d have more sympathy.”


He rose from the table. “Well, I’ve hogged enough of your evening. I’m sure you have other things to do.”

“Not really.” Anita laughed and stood. “Well, I guess I do, but all this intrigue is so much more entertaining than starting laundry, or going through bills.”

Wyatt reached for her hand and squeezed it. “Thanks again. To both you and Carly.” He let go of her hand, but the warmth remained.

Anita wished he’d stay, but what excuse could she come up with? She could at least walk him to his car, so she did.

“And good luck with the ex tomorrow night,” he said once they were outside.

Oh. Anita had forgotten about that. Spending time with Wyatt and his grandpa had been a nice distraction for that reason alone. Her mind now spun with Carly’s upcoming visit with her dad. “Thanks.”

“And if you want to call me and talk, I’ll answer the phone.”

She smiled up at him, finding his eyes on her. “Okay, I might just do that. Be careful what you ask for.”

“I am being careful.”

His words were cryptic enough that she wasn’t sure if he was flirting...“All right, Mr. Careful. Again, sorry about the Lila disappointment. Crossing my fingers that the letter reaches Susan.”

“Thanks, Anita, really.” He held up the letter.

“How many times are we going to say thanks tonight?”

He chuckled. Then he stepped close and pulled her into his arms.

She wasn’t expecting a hug, but she was all for it. It took her a couple of seconds to get over her surprise, then she wrapped her arms about his waist.

He smelled like fresh air, and she didn’t mind his arms around her either.

When he drew away, it was much too soon, and her mind was spinning for completely different reasons.


THE APARTMENT WASN’T MUCH, BUT it was theirs. The married housing portion of college apartments only had the bare minimum, with a couch that filled most of the tiny living room. A single row of cupboards and small ice box in the kitchen. A full-sized bed that had become very crowded with a baby who preferred to sleep snuggled against one of her parents. And a shower that a person could barely turn around in.
