Page 37 of Evelyn's Enforcer

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Then before I could take another unsure breath, he had me in his hold. One hand embedding itself in my damp hair, and the other arm he used to wrap around me before his lips claimed my own. It was a kiss that doused all my fears into the cage he was slowly building around them. A kiss that I wanted to drown in and grin knowing the last breath I took was the one he gave me. And as if hearing my thoughts, his hands left their hold of me and took a very different one. Meaning suddenly my back was against the window, with my wrists taken in his hands before he lifted them above my head, holding me prisoner in the most divine way.

I gasped and it was one he swallowed down as if I was as much of a drug to him as he was to me. The cold glass at my naked back wasn’t enough to cool the heat building up in my core. I felt as if I was burning up for this man and the feeling was one I wasn’t used to. Of course, I had pleasured myself, knowing the feeling of a building orgasm and the addictive gratification of its release.

But this…

Christ, it was something else entirely.

However, I knew this was just the tip of the iceberg, and I wanted more. I wanted it all! Everything in him, I wanted for myself. Every single thing he had to give me. Which was why I couldn’t help but make my own demands, moaning the moment his lips made their way to my neck.

“More.” His answer to this was a growl against my skin before his hands were put to better use than holding me pinned to the window. Hands that reached down and grabbed my ass, using this hold to lift me up, making me spread my legs open so he could step into me. I did the natural thing and wrapped my legs around him, feeling his length tucked to my core… and right where it needed to be.

However, there was one problem, one I was brave enough to point out…

“You’re wearing too many clothes.” At this he chuckled once before gripping me tighter and using this hold on me to carry me over to the bed.

“You’re right,” he agreed the moment he lowered my back to the bed. Then he stood above me, soon awarding me with the delicious sight of him unbuttoning his shirt, one I wished he would have just ripped off just so I didn’t have to wait. But then, didn’t the saying go, that good things come to those who wait? Fuck, I hoped so.

A proven fact when he finally removed his shirt and awarded me with the glorious sight of his naked torso. One that was a powerhouse of rippling muscles that weren’t exactly a surprise to see, but knowing this didn’t detract from the sight. Or the way I shamefully gasped, unable to help myself. He was utter perfection and it continued to get better as he unbuckled his belt, the act not only erotic but also dominating. The way he ran the length of leather through his hands as he pulled it free did things to me.

His thoughts soon became clear when he told me,

“Soon I will use this to tie you to me but, for now, I want both hands free for what I plan to do to you.” His words naturally shocked me, making me wonder what he truly meant. But more than anything, I wanted to know if he would follow through with the sexual thought. Of course, it didn’t take long for this wonder to leave me as he threw the belt to the pillow before dropping to his knees.

I was about to ask what he was doing, until it became quite obvious when he took hold of my ankles and dragged me to the very edge of the bed. Then he tossed my legs over his shoulders and spread me wide open for him. The embarrassment I felt must have easily shown on my face, because he smirked up at me as if he liked what he saw.

“I have never…” I tried to explain, soon transforming that smirk into a full-blown grin, one that looked as if belonged on a villain more than the hero he had been only moments before.

“I’m glad to hear it,” he informed me.

“You are?” I asked, surprised, considering I was worried that my lack of experience would have been a turn off for him.

“Indeed, for now I know I will be the only one who knows the taste of you.” I blushed at this, until his eyes lowered over my sex and then I gasped when he gripped the backs of my thighs, pushing my legs up against my belly and exposing me even further.

“Mine,” he growled down at the core of me, before suddenly his head was there and his lips were kissing my quivering flesh.

“Oh god!” I cried at the contact, feeling something so foreign, so new, it was out of this world as his tongue explored every inch of me. I couldn’t help but try and arch my back, but with his bruising hold on my legs, I felt helpless to anything but take the pleasure he wanted to give me. The delicious path his tongue took up the lengths of my soaked folds, before coming to tease that glorious bundle of nerves. But then when he took the sensitive little clitoris into his mouth, I cried out the second my orgasm erupted.

“Ohhh… oh… yes… I’m coming!” I shouted as it hit, making my legs start to shake despite his hold. But then as the feeling rolled away from me, the oversensitive feeling took me, making me try to pull myself free. However, my reactions were met with displeasure, and suddenly a strong arm shot out and landed on my center, pinning me down in a different way.

It was a dominate action that came with a warning growl.

“I am not done with you yet… my perfect meal.”



“Iam not done with you yet… my perfect meal,” he reprimanded, his tone both scary and a total turn on.

I might have spoken, might have said something to this, but then his large hand cupped my breast and pinched my nipple, making whatever was on the tip of my tongue, end in a loud moan. A sound that only continued when I felt his lips back on me, his tongue probing and fucking me like he was a man possessed. Of course, I had fingered myself before, but this… this was something else!

This was incredible.

But then soon, his tongue was replaced with his own thick finger and his lips latched onto my clit once more. Needless to say, this sent me hurdling off the edge like a fucking rocket!

“Yes… yes… yes… Fuck YES!” I screamed this time as it was more powerful than the first. But when he wouldn’t stop, I knew I was hitting my limit, forcing me to shamelessly plead with him,

“Please… please… I can’t… I…” However, his answer to this was to growl back over my soaked sex,
