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“Now this I have to hear, because what could possible make you think I would need an evil bitch like you?” I asked, now feeling like the superhero I had wished to become while speaking with the groveling bad guy.

“I know where Garmr is, what he has planned for you. I have value to him.” Orth scoff at this and muttered,

“Not fucking likely.”

She shot Orth a deadly look that we both knew was seriously lacking in the threat department. I scoffed at this, telling her without words what I thought.

“I know where to find him, I can lure him to you and with your powers, you would be unbeatable,” she told me, but it was the book that I suddenly heard speaking in my head, whispering the truth and communicating with me for the first time now we were fully connected.

‘Lies… she knows he can beat us… they wish to use us.’ I don’t know why, but I rewarded the advice by running my hand along the book’s pages that ruffled at my touch. It was almost like I was stroking some loyal pet of mine. Something she watched with utter astonishment.

“You speak the truth?” I asked her, and just when Orth was about to saying something in return, I held up my hand, telling him silently that I had this under control.

“Yes… yes, I do, I swear it!” she replied hastily. Then without looking at her and without taking my eyes from the book, I told her,

“Funny then, why my new book would tell me that you’re lying.” I finally looked up from the pages, and just in time to see her eyes widen further, as if this was the most shocking thing of all.

“It… it speaks to you?” Now this question wasn’t what surprised me the most, but that of the way she said it. As if such a thing was utterly unheard of and that it had never happened before.

“It does,” I confirmed, because I wanted to know what her reaction would be. Which surprised me because she suddenly dropped to her knees and whispered at the floor, before raising her head at the end.

“Then it is true… the Summoner Queen has returned.” I frowned at this, but it was an expression that turned to total amazement when the book spoke once more in my mind,

‘She speaks the truth… Summoner Queen.’

“You know it’s true, you feel it, don’t you? It’s why the book accepted you and it’s why I will gladly follow you and aid you in any way I can, my Queen.” I narrowed my untrustworthy gaze at her before saying,

“We shall soon see.” Then I started to walk toward Orth and the others, issuing an order behind her,

“Guard her!” Then all the souls moved as one, closer to her, and making her shout out,

“I can help you! What… what are you going to do to me?!” Then without looking back at her, I told her,

“Your death isn’t up to me, it’s up to my HellBeast King… One I am about to set free.” Then as I walked past Orth and Marcus, I said,

“So, you guys coming, or what?” I couldn’t help but grin when I heard Orth chuckle and Marcus say,

“Fuck yeah, I wouldn’t miss J’s face when he sees you like this for an all you can suck titty buffet.”

“I think I would follow you off a cliff,” the other one said, making me think, ‘alrighty then’. He then grinned at me, showing me a row of sharp pointy teeth framed by black lips and making me glad he was clearly on our side. Because, let’s just say that the huge Demon was definitely intimidating, to say the least. Even his gaze was menacing; the whites of his eyes were actually black and his irises were white, making them reversed. However, his pupils remained the same as ours, being black, if not slightly smaller in size.

He was also incredibly tall, with thick tattooed muscles that were decorated with lines of white dots that ranged in size, and were easy to see thanks to the fact he was bare chested. He was wearing only dark trousers that looked to be made from some unknown animal skin and, from the looks of him, I wouldn’t have been surprised if it was some beast he had killed and skinned himself.

As for the rest of his features, he had two sets of horns, the smaller pair starting just above his pointed ears, that gave him the appearance of being some dark elf. His ears were pierced in several places, just like his horns were, with the larger set easily thicker than my calf. These were decorated like the rest of him, with multiple gold hoops and engraved gold bands circling the thick horns. Straight dark hair flowed down the center of his head, making me wonder how he kept it brushed so neatly in between his horns, and in a place like this no less. I doubted they provided prisoners with mirrors and brushes.

Of course, after he said this, it wasn’t surprising that he followed behind me with the other two as I walked toward what I could now see was a large door the fighters must be brought in through. It was covered in a green glow, telling me she had sealed it shut after having Jared dragged through the door and back to his cell.

Well, not for long it wouldn’t be, because I held my hands out in front of me and grabbed the air as if I was holding on to a bunch of invisible green ropes I could see in my mind’s eye. I had no idea how I did most of this stuff, I just knew that I could. It was as though connecting with that book had unlocked some hidden part of myself that just knew I had been born for this shit. Like opening a door in my brain that had only just appeared from the darkness. And now it was a part of my mind that I could access, as if it was all just muscle memory. It just came naturally, like the power had always been mine to command.

And command it, I did.

So, I pulled back, and brought with it the power keeping the door locked, making it not only open, but the whole thing actually splintered before crumbling away and flying behind us.

“Whoa!” Orth said, making me look to see all three of them get into line behind me so as not to get hit by the flying debris. Then once the obstacle was no longer in my way, I walked with purpose, now impatient to get my man out of that fucking jail cell.

It was as if the green flames that surrounded me wouldn’t leave me until my anger would allow it to diminish. Nothing would until I was back in Jared’s arms. Which was why I didn’t speak. I just walked down the hallway without even needing to know which one would be his. Because the power humming from the bars of his cell were calling to me.

Orth, Marcus, and the other guy walked either side of me as we made our way down what looked like the furthest point of the prison. Because there, at the very end and facing us, was Jared who was still trying to fight his way free of his cell. Standing there, hitting out as half man, half beast, and fighting against an unbeatable force that would never faulter. Not until it was commanded to do such.
