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However, the second he caught sight of us, he stopped, and I had to say, under different circumstances the look of dumbfounded shock on his face would have been comical. He looked as if he was dreaming. Especially when I saw that this part of the prison block wasn’t as empty, despite there being some distance between his cell and the rest.

Which was why I raised my hands up as I walked, then after making a fist, I twisted my wrists and snapped the power on the bars either side of where I walked. This not only broke the spell over the bars, but actually snapped the metal enough that those locked up could now easily escape. And if my eyes hadn’t been rooted to the sight of my man as they were, then I might have seen their appreciation in more depth.

But I only had eyes for one prisoner.

And he was mine.

So, I continued to free the inmates until none remained but one. Meanwhile, Jared was still taking all this in and the closer I got, he spoke my name like he was trying to ensure I wasn’t a mirage or something. A trick of the mind, like he was now dreaming and desperate not to wake up and discover the cruel truth. That it was all a lie.

“Ella?” His unsure voice tugged at my soul, and I was more than happy to prove that my being here now was no lie. Just like the power I was controlling, because I was finally able to shatter the hold over his prison cell. Only this time I held out my hands and forced the metal bars back with it, so all he needed to do was simply walk through them.

He held all his weight against what remained of the bars, as if afraid to run through them and discover this was just another cruel trick of Niniane, as a way to torture him. But then I couldn’t hold back any longer. I shouted his name and started running,


“Ella!” he shouted back, now ducking through the hole I had made before he too went running. Which meant that the second I reached him, I threw myself into his arms and, this time, he was there to catch me.

“Oh, thank the gods!” Jared said, cupping the back of my head and held me to him as he buried his face in my hair. His other arm wrapped firmly around me, and I felt every relieved emotion burst from me as I started crying.

“I tried so hard… I went so far… did everything I could… gave everything… and now…” I sobbed, unable to say anything more, allowing Jared to finish off our reality,

“Oh, baby, I’m here… I’m here, my love… And I will prove it,” he added, pulling me back by the tops of my arms so that the second I looked up at him, he could frame my face with his big hands. Then he wiped away my tears with his thumbs and finally…

He kissed me.

It was a kiss that made me cry out in his mouth as the emotions overwhelmed me, making the flames suddenly engulf us both. As if the power of my soul accepted him as my mate and therefore wanted to protect us both from the outside world. Hell, I would have let it cocoon us for the rest of an eternity just so we would never be separated ever again!

Because as much as past Jared had been there for me, in the end, it was this Jared who I had fallen in love with. And that love had stood the test of time, despite all past him had put me through. I had never stopped loving him. I had never stopped trying to save him.

And most of all…

I had never stopped trying to get back to him.

“Gods how I missed you,” he whispered down at me, after he had kissed the breath out of me and placed his forehead to mine. I nodded, unable to form words as only my tears spoke for me.

“Er, guys, I hate to break up this touching reunion and all, but you’re kinda still both on fire,” Orthrus stated, making us both give each other enough space to see for ourselves that he was right. The green fire hadn’t died down but was still ablaze.

“I don’t understand… how is this possible?” Jared asked in astonishment, making me admit,

“There is a lot to explain but first, I have a gift for you,” I told him, raising my hand up and, after rotating my wrist the once, the flames released us both. His eyes widened at the sight as if he was still trying to understand what he was seeing.

“A gift?” he asked, making me take his hand and say,

“Come on, I will show you.” Then I started walking back toward the arena, leading him back that way. And silently he followed me, until we stepped through what remained of the doorway, so he could now see for himself. The army he had not long ago been fighting surrounded their prisoner.

But then what was I saying? She wasn’t their prisoner…

She was now mine.




“Happy release day, baby,” Ella said softly, making me grin down at her, astonished at how she had done any of this. How she was even here at all! I was still in a state of shock. It was like a dream I was too afraid to wake from.

Of course, the idea of being dragged away from the battle so as I could no longer fight to the death alongside my best friend and my brother, had been hard enough to face. But then as soon as I saw Ella enter the fray, dangerously putting herself at risk to try and save us all, I had lost my ever-loving mind!
