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I had been dragged back to the cell and found myself fighting against the power that kept me imprisoned there like never before. I had fought with everything I had to give, drawing every fucking ounce of power my HellBeast had, and I would have continued to do so until I had fucking died.

The panic, the fear, the heart-breaking pain of knowing I was fucking helpless to get to them, was unlike anything I had ever felt before. And I was ashamed to admit that even the day I lost Lerna and the fear I felt then, had been nothing compared to the fear of losing Ella. I think I would have tried to end my own life, had I not known just how many HellBeast souls were linked to my own.

It was fucking agony!

Which was now why I didn’t hesitate then to take my girl’s gift of revenge. Because as soon as I entered back into the arena, it soon became clear what had happened, as now all the souls we had not long ago been fighting against had turned against their once tyrant master. Which meant only one thing…

Ella was now a Summoner.

Their Summoner.

I knew I had a fuck load to process with this shit but right now, with my enemy within my grasp and handed to me like the gift Ella had claimed her to be, I found myself moving. I walked toward Niniane with such purpose, ready to fucking break her neck and rip her head off so as she would know the same fate as those she forced me to kill in the arena. To toss her head to the crowd and let them bask in my trophy.

And she fucking knew it!

Her panicked eyes turned to me, as all the souls I had not long since fought against now floated away, giving me room to get to her. I looked back at my girl to find her controlling them and I had not one fucking clue as to how it had happened yet.

She was fucking human!

In truth, I think if someone had told me what would have eventually freed me from this hell, then I would have questioned if they had wanted to die for spouting their insanity. Never in a million fucked up years would I have ever believed what would happen happened. I would never, for as long as I drew breath, ever forget the sight of Ella walking down that cell block, engulfed in a Summoner’s power. The way she had broken each one of the cell doors like it was nothing but child’s play. Like she had been born to do that shit and it was as easy as breathing.

Of course, at the time I had been too fucking dumbfounded to do much else but stare at the miracle the Gods had presented me with. My brother and my best friend walking unharmed by her side, even Asher, who looked as he was ready to pledge his life to her, looking at her in awe. Well, he could drop to a knee before her but that was all he was getting!

Ella was and always would be mine.

But of course, now that I could see what she had become, I was worried as fuck for new reasons, as it was clear she had now been chosen to take Niniane’s place. And like I said, how that had happened seeing as she was mortal, I had no fucking clue. But I would soon get to the bottom of it, that was for damn sure.

But right now, I had my revenge to extract, and take it I would. It was a moment I had been fantasying about since the bitch brought me here. But no fantasy was as great as that of the sight of Ella running into my arms and holding her once again.

That was the true dream come true.

“Wait, J, just hold up a sec,” Orth said, grabbing my arm to slow me down.

“Wait for what?! The bitch deserves to die!” I snapped, unable to hold back my anger.

“Yeah, and you won’t hear any argument from me.”

“Great,” I replied before I started walking again, only stopping when he told me,

“She knows shit, J, knows about what that fuck-stain Geryon is planning, where he is, but more than anything, she knows what is now happening to Ella and why…” He paused, taking a deep breath, making me frown back over my shoulder at him.

“And why what?!”

He hesitated a moment longer before stunning me further when telling me,

“Why she dropped to her knees and called her the Summoning Queen.” I sucked in a quick breath, shaking my head a little as if trying to make sense of that.

“Come again?” I uttered, as if the first time around wasn’t enough to believe what he had just told me.

“It’s true, we all saw it happen, brother… we all heard it.”

I looked back at Ella, to find the green essence from the souls in the arena clinging to her feet, circling her as if drawn to her. She was far enough away that she couldn’t hear us, but you could see she was obviously curious.

“And Ella, what did she do?” I asked, my chest rising even quicker at what the implications to this could mean.

“In truth, well… She looked just as fucking confused as the rest of us did.” I relaxed at that, hating the idea that she could have known something like this all this time and kept it from me.

“But she’s mortal, how can something like this be true?” I asked just as Marcus joined us, obviously knowing what we were speaking of considering he had supernatural hearing. Hence why the answer came from him and not my brother this time.
