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“ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED?” This, like Marcus thought it would, made the crowd go wild, as the thundering of their feet pounding beneath them sounded like a stampeding army was near.

“The Book of Souls found her unworthy and therefore you may be her jury, now cast your sentence!” At this the whole crowd continued to bang their feet in unison on the ground as they chanted,

“Death, death, death, death…” I then tightened my fist in her hair and pulled her back closer to me, speaking into her ear as she whimpered.

“So, there you have it, Niniane, your precious audience has spoken.”

“Please… you… you don’t have to do this!” she pleaded one last time.

“The sentence has been given! And as one of the last contenders standing in the Summoner Games, I will act as your executioner!” The crowd went crazy at this, cheering and banging louder than before.

“Say goodbye to your souls, Niniane, for this is a sight they have waited their entire imprisonment for and as for me… I am only too happy to give it to them! DEATH TO THE FALLEN SUMMONER!” I roared, making her scream when I put her neck in a choke hold before twisting violently, and it was enough that it snapped her spine. Then I let my HellBeast come forth, transforming my hand into a hellish version of itself, before I allowed heat to make my claws glow. This was so when I severed her head, it cauterized quick enough that it stopped the spray of blood gushing up with the burning heat that sizzled the flesh.

Then once I had her head held in my hand, the crowd went wild one last time before I did as I promised. I tossed her head into the crowd and, finally, my revenge against her was complete as I let her lifeless body drop to the floor. The souls all watched as if transfixed by the sight of their jailor’s death before they burst into green flames and floated back to the book when it suddenly appeared in front of me. Once the last one had returned, the book disappeared, making me wonder if Ella had anything to do with it.

Well, I would soon find out. I nodded to Marcus and Asher to follow me, before walking toward the same door my girl had led Orth through. Then once I found them there waiting for us, I snagged Ella by the waist and tipped her head back ready to kiss her, after first saying the words I knew we both needed to hear…

“Let’s go home.”




Jared nodded for me to open the door, one that he must have known only I had the power to open. Yet before walking through it, he turned to the new man of the group and placed a hand on his shoulder, before telling him,

“I can’t ask you to join in my fight, my friend.”

“You didn’t, but I owe your woman a life debt and I intend to be there to the bitter end to fulfill it. So, in whatever way you need me, then I will stand by your side, in life or in battle,” the Demon said, making Jared squeeze his shoulder and nod.

“Then, Asher, I welcome you to a seat on my council, for you have fought for a place on it tenfold,” Jared said, telling me his name, seeing as we hadn’t yet been introduced.

“And I, in turn, gladly accept it and if we are to venture into the mortal world, I will call forth my human vessel, for I wouldn’t want to scare the townsfolk, now, would I?” he said, winking at me and making me giggle.

“Er, just out of curiosity, when was the last time you stepped foot into the mortal realm?” Marcus asked after holding up a finger.

“I believe the great war still ensued,” Asher replied, making Marcus grin before scoffing.

“You will have to be more specific there, matey.”

“I believe they named it the hundred years war.” My eyes widened at this, whereas Marcus laughed, before slapping him on the back and saying,

“Oh yes, this is going to be great fun indeed, my new friend, for I have so very much to show you of this new world…” Then he put his arm around him and as they walked through the door, I heard Marcus add,

“…Pornhub being only one of them.” At this I heard Jared groan and Orth chuckled in response.

“Erm, shouldn’t we perhaps pick someone else more responsible to eh… babysit the new Demon?” I said, whispering this behind my hand up at Jared. And his reply to this was a handsome smirk and wink, before taking my hand in his and walking through the door, slamming it shut behind him with force.

“How did you discover this door?” Jared asked me a second after we entered the Temple. I could almost feel the million and one questions Jared wanted to add to this, but he was clearly holding back because he no doubt didn’t want to bombard me. Of course, his look said it all when he got his first glimpse of the fountain, making me inwardly cringe. Because I knew the mountain we still had left to climb in the way of sharing information, and at the very peak of that would be what I was afraid to tell him the most.

His wife’s betrayal.

The selfish half of me was tempted not to say anything at all, but then when looking back at our relationship so far, I knew that most of our past mistakes had been from all the secrets we had kept. Secrets we had refused to entrust with each other through fear of what the other person would think. When, in the end, they had come out anyway and in the worst possible way.

Of course, one look at Jared and I could tell with the way he granted a hard look at that fountain, that he knew at least some part of my tale. I didn’t know how but I knew one thing… I was soon to find out. But then with my hand held firmly in his, I knew that whatever the outcome of such a conversation was, we would face it together.

Speaking of which, I looked back at the door we had just come through, and told him,
