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“I heard you calling for me.” At this he looked shocked for a moment before looking to Marcus, who had heard us talking. He then nodded to Jared, as if conveying something between the two of them. As if Marcus had something to do with this fact. A question I was dying to ask but then my eyes homed in on Asher, and my mouth nearly dropped open in shock.

Asher had changed.

Not just changed, but just become some damn Hollywood heartthrob action star! Christ but who made those chiselled cheekbones of his, Michelangelo?! In fact, I could barely believe I was staring at the same man, what with those dark smouldering eyes of his. A pair that had changed to the more conventional type associated with the mortal he was pretending to be. Eyes that looked as if they had the power to pierce the soul of anyone brave enough to stare at them too long.

Long, flowing dark hair framed his handsome face and hung down past his shoulders. His strong jawline, deep slashed brows and perfectly even, shaped lips, now made him look more like a male model. One that seeing as he was still wearing nothing but trousers and had all his muscles still on show, made him look as if he had just finished a photoshoot. Maybe for some expensive new cologne where they decided to go with some pirate theme, or some guy just washed up on the shore after being shipwrecked.

Okay, so clearly my imagination was running wild here, but you get the picture, he was gorgeous and in such a way it was disarming.

“Looking at something?” Jared asked me in a knowing tone, making me choke back a cough because, clearly, I had been caught staring.

“No, no… not at all… so anyway, how’s prison been?” I asked, making him burst out laughing before tugging my hand and making me fall into him as the others carried on without us. Then he tipped my head back with a finger curled under my chin and growled down at me,

“Torturous hell without you.” Then he kissed me before I could make any more jokes. And just like our first reunited kiss, I swear my toes curled as I melted into him.

“I don’t know how long you have been held in that cell but shouldn’t you like smell or something?” I asked, making him grin down at me.

“I have supernatural ways of keeping myself clean, as turning into my HellBeast at least burns away the smell… although you don’t know how fucking hungry I am.” I gasped in horror,

“Oh my god, she didn’t feed you?!” At this his grin turned mischievous as he whispered down at me,

“How do you know I was talking about food, Red?” Then he winked, making me giggle.

“Come on, babe, the sooner we get back to your uncle’s, the sooner I can have all three S’s.”

“All three S’s… shit, shower, and shave?” At this he suddenly lifted me up so he didn’t have to bend to reach my ear as he told me on a low rumble of words,

“Shower, steak, and… sex,” he whispered this last part, making me shiver in his hold on my waist, before he tossed me up and caught me, making me cry out in surprise as now I was up in his arms. Then as he was striding down one of the many wide hallways in the temple, I reminded him, just like many times before…

“I have legs, you know.”

“Yeah, babe, and you may not remember all the times before that I told you this but… I don’t care.”

“Erm, if I recall, most of the time, you don’t say anything, you just give me a ‘shut it, Red’ look. Although you did say you didn’t care that time you carried me into the bathroom, remember when Orth translated for me as I lost my voice… oh but I bet you miss those fun times, eh, Beastman?” I teased, but this clearly didn’t go down as being as funny as I thought because, suddenly, Jared stopped dead. I wondered what exactly I just said to cause such a reaction. Especially when he let my feet fall and I was back on the ground. Then he turned me so I was facing him, gripping me gently by the top of my arms and startling me now with how intense he just became. Like flipping a damn switch.

“Say that again?” he asked in a serious tone that had me tensing.

“Okay jeez, sorry I said anything, go ahead and carry me, Beastman.”

“Ella, stop fucking around and say it again!” he demanded this time, making me frown before realizing that whatever this was, it obviously meant something to him.

“You carried me into the bathroom, and Orth translated for me as I lost my voice… oh, I see where you’re going with this.” I stopped as it suddenly occurred to me.

“You remember?” he asked quietly, as if my next answer was about to mean everything to him. Hence why I couldn’t help but smile up at him before nodding. Then he pulled me closer, placed his forehead to mine, and demanded softly,

“Need your words, baby girl.” I swallowed hard before giving him what he needed.

“Yes, Jared… I remember everything.” At this he crushed his lips to mine once more and, this time, I didn’t think we would ever stop. The depth of the kiss and every ounce of emotion of relief he poured into it made my head spin. It felt as if we were floating and, in the end, I couldn’t tell whether it lasted for hours or mere minutes. But clearly it was long enough because Orth pointed out,

“Not that I’m trying to be all holier than thou and shit, but not sure how Janus would feel if you two start fuckin’ on his Temple floor and place of worship.” At this I started laughing, but Jared was still kissing me, so it ended up sounding more like I was blowing raspberries on his lips.

Then I felt his grin against my own, before pulling back and seeing it. Good god he was handsome, and well, I may have been biased but even Asher had nothing on him. Not to me.

As for himself, well I didn’t know what Jared was thinking when he gave me that soft, tender look of his, but whatever it was, it prompted him to stroke the backs of his fingers down my cheek. After which he finally gave me an insight to his thoughts as he whispered a single word down at me,


This caused me to shiver again. That one word was all that was needed to paint such an image in my mind, because I knew exactly what ‘soon’ meant. And I couldn’t freakin’ wait! I had missed him so much it had hurt deeply, like a huge piece of me had been missing all this time, despite being with the Jared of the past. A branch in the timeline I knew now had disappeared the moment I had left it, thanks to what the God Janus had told me.
