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“Jared!” My aunt shouted first.

“Oh goodie, the HellBeasts have arrived… oooh, and who is the new eye can…” At this Adam quickly covered Pip’s mouth and growled a warning down in her ear,

“I wouldn’t finish that sentence if I were you, lollipop.”

I tried not to laugh and did a better job at it than Orth. He had to cough to hide his own before shooting a worried look at Adam who, in turn, cast him a warning glare. But then from what I had heard about Adam, then this wasn’t surprising because pretty much all Supernatural life had a reason to be afraid of Adam, and if they weren’t, then they were fools.

“Mi mas ing ooo ay ye andy,” Pip murmured behind his hand, making Sophia astound me as she must have understood every muffled word, because she commented,

“Yeah, I am not sure calling him eye dandy was any better, Pip.”

Pip pulled Adam’s hand back and answered,

“Well at least I am back to Lollipop and not Winifred.” Then she winked at her friend, making me once again try not to giggle.

“How did this happen? Ella told us that you were taken,” my uncle asked, now getting back to business and ignoring the camaraderie. At this, Jared walked closer to shake my uncle’s hand because, clearly, there were no hard feelings between the two. Although they must have resolved the fact that Jared kidnapped me and escaped his prison sometime after I had gone missing. Especially considering my uncle had shown up outside my trailer to help convince me that Jared hadn’t been lying.

“That is why we are here, and no offence, but I am afraid all marital disputes are going have to wait,” Jared replied, which had a positive effect on half the room at least.

“Thank the Gods,” Sophia muttered at the same time Pip said,

“All Hail the mother tree.” As for my aunt, she added,

“What they said.” Making my uncle scowl her way before warning,

“This conversation is far from over, troublesome little wife of mine.” To which she rolled her eyes and muttered wryly,

“Oh goodie.” However, Jared ignored this and got right to it.

“Alright, so here is the short version, a Summoner named Niniane openly attacked the club, then opened up a portal and pulled me through. Orth and Marcus got Ella out with the view she would get her arse here and stay safe…” At this he paused to look at me, and it was very much the same pissed off look the other men in the room were giving their significant others. “…Something she didn’t do, but instead met the rest of these time traveling rebel misfits…”

“Hey!” my aunt shouted at the same time Sophia also interjected,

“Excuse me?!”

“Ooo, I like that… The titty time traveling rebel misfits, has a great ring to it.”

“Oh sure, not long winded at all,” Sophia commented dryly, making my aunt comment,

“Why does everything have to come with titties at the beginning?”

“Well, I think I can answer that one,” Marcus piped up, stepping forward, making Orth grab a fist full of his jacket at his back before tugging him back while warning,

“Not today, you won’t.”

“Yeah, okay, so anyway, back to more important shit and back to Ella doing stupid…”

“Hey, I saved your ass, you ungrat…!” I never got to finish as clearly all the men in the room had read the same macho supernatural boyfriend handbook and Jared covered my mouth by banding his arm around my head and pulling me close. Something my uncle not only allowed but also looked slightly amused by… the traitor. Even my ‘what the hell, Uncle?’ glare did nothing.

“She went back in time to when I first got turned, then skipped forward thirty years, the why and how, I have yet to discover.” At this I flinched, and I couldn’t help my fearful gaze shooting to my uncle. Someone who clearly didn’t feel any need to keep this part between us.

“Ah yes, well it was unfortunate to hear that I might have had a hand in that,” my uncle admitted freely, despite looking guilty and making me shout a muffled,

“Mmmit ave!?” To which he gave me a gentle look in return.

“It seems as if I let my niece down. She came to ask for aid and I failed to do such as my focus at the time was using the fountain to gain my Chosen in her steed, which meant they switched places in time,” my uncle explained, making Jared visibly grit his teeth as my aunt walked over to her husband and tucked her arm in his as a show of support. It was clear he was struggling in his decision, even if it hadn’t really been him directly that had done it.

As for Jared, he digested this particular piece of information, now removing his hand and granting me a tender look before admitting without taking his eyes off me,
