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But now the biggest question of all wasn’t when Jared and I would finally get alone time in the bedroom, but what did the future mean for me now? Because I had taken possession of all the Summoner’s souls and, quite frankly, I had no fucking clue what to do with them. How I could release them or free them from the book.

I had no idea what I was doing!

And yes, this freaked me out, something I was trying to hold back until the right time, if there ever was a right time to have a complete breakdown. Because I strangely now knew things. Like the book had become a piece of me and with it, came a sort of weird ‘knowing’. A sense of being that no longer just included myself. Like how when Jared had asked Orth to lead me away, despite how subtly done, I had known this was to save me the sight of watching as he killed that bitch.

Something I had certainly appreciated, because despite wanting her dead myself, it wasn’t something I relished to see, despite the threats I had given her.

However, I had known the moment she had died, because I felt the souls she had imprisoned rejoice in this. As if they too had dreamt of the day they could witness another inflicting the revenge that they had never had the power to do. A moment later and I had felt the book speaking with me, that familiar tugging feeling, as if each soul was awaiting my command. The command to return to the book and let them sleep.

So, with a single thought, I had done just that, knowing at the back of my mind that restful state was at the ready to spring into action and be called forth by me at any given time. Even just thinking about it as we walked toward the door that would lead into my uncle’s home, I looked down to see a green vapor coming from the hand not held in Jared’s. Of course, I wasn’t the only one, as Jared’s voice interrupted my thoughts.

“Don’t worry, soon we will know more.” I nodded, not knowing what to say to this, because that big, ‘Am I still mortal?’ question felt like it hung in the air like some cartoon speech bubble. One that everyone could see but no one dared yet speak aloud.

“Here it is,” Orth said, being the first to get to the bookcase I remembered using the first time. The one when I had run from Jared believing he had been forced into making the biggest mistake of his life by claiming me. A worry I had long ago let go of, and even more so now that I knew the truth about what his wife had really done to him.

A heartbreaking fact I knew at some point I would have to reveal to Jared. In truth, I was more worried about that than anything else. And let’s just say that the temptation to put it off for as long as possible was winning so far.

“Time to make a surprising entrance,” Orth said before nodding to me because, clearly, I was the one who knew what book it was. So, I reached out and grabbed Jane Eyre, pulling it forward and waiting for the click. Then I told them,

“No more surprising than the first time I did this.”

“How so?” Jared asked, making me smirk back at them.

“I nearly caught my aunt and uncle in the act.” All three started chuckling, except Asher who asked,

“The act of what?” I had to smile as Orth commented before walking through first,

“Oh, you have a lot to learn, my friend.”

Making Marcus add before following,

“Yes, and all the best things.” Then he wagged his painted brows at him before disappearing through the fireplace. I looked back to Jared and muttered,

“The poor bastard.” He chuckled at this before following me inside and being the last one, he closed the door. However, what we walked into was the very last thing I expected. Because this time it wasn’t two people seconds away from ripping their clothes off each other.

No now, it was…

The Battle of the Sexes.



“And why am I not surprised that you two had a hand in this?!” I heard my uncle shout the moment we all entered because, clearly, they hadn’t yet noticed that they could now add a few more witnesses to the heated discussion we had just walked in on. This reprimand was clearly aimed at Pip and his sister, Sophia. But then when I looked at all three of them, I found that, like me, they appeared just as they had that day. Like none of us had ever left.

It was still Christmas, hence the place looking like a grotto had thrown up all over the place.

As for my aunt, she was still wearing a pair of jeans and a long-sleeved, black top, and looked exactly the same as she had done when I ran into her arms when making it back to the temple. And from the looks of things, barely any time had gone by at all since stepping through that door into Niniane’s prison arena. Which made me realize that where I had just come from, time must have worked differently there. It seemed like this conversation had only just started after my uncle had left me in the Temple. Oh, and clearly this was after the husbands had replaced relief and loving affection for hurt and frustration.

That solace that the men in the room had experienced back in the temple had worn off, and been replaced with anger. Even Adam, who I had never once seen raise his voice to anyone, was standing there glaring at his mischievous wife, with his arms folded and looking as if he was seconds away from losing his shit.

“Aww come on, Snuckums, don’t be like that,” Pip said, trying to bat her lashes up at him, making him growl down at her,

“Don’t you snuckems me, Winifred, I am as furious at you as our King is with all of you,” he replied sternly, making her sulk with her bottom lip now pushed out.

And in the few moments we had until they realized we were here, I looked to find Sophia’s husband, Zagan, looking just the same… furious at his wife. One, who unlike my Aunt and crazy friend Pip, was maintaining a neutral stance on all of this. She merely remained silent, with only her arms crossed and looking as if purposely ignoring her husband’s furious stare. In fact, the only two missing were Amelia and Lucius, making me wonder if they were somewhere else hashing this out, just like these six were.

“And what did you want us to do, just let our daughter go alone?” my aunty Keira shouted back, now with her own arms folded and totally unphased by her husband’s intimidating presence. It was at this point that Jared decided to clear his throat, making all heads turn to us.
