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His hard look said it all, but the sigh that followed said even more.

“Dom?” Lucius said his name in question, at least giving me enough insight to confirm that the vampire didn't have any idea as to what I was referring to.

“Let it be known that I did not make the decision to keep this from you lightly,” Dom said, looking directing at me. Naturally, I scoffed at that and it was yet another bitter sound.

“Take from my words what you will, Cerberus, but your seeker is not the only one bound by the Fates, and sometimes those Fates aren't the only ones pulling the strings.”

“And what the fuck do you mean by that?!” I snapped, unable to keep my composure this time.

“When Ella was born, she wasn't brought into this world by a doctor.”

“I know the story, Dom. Keira was there, she delivered the baby,” I stated, but the moment he shook his head, I tensed, now bracing myself for the truth.

“That's not entirely true.”

“What do you mean?” I asked, purposely keeping my tone measured.

“Keira wasn't alone when her sister started to give birth at the bottom of the staircase.”

“Who else was there with her?” Seth asked before I had the chance to.

“Carrick, he helped Keira deliver the baby.” I wasn’t the only one to react to this.

“What?!” I hissed

“Come again?” Seth asked with calm in place of my anger.

“A fucking Death Dealer helped bring life into the world, are you shitting me right now?” Sigurd said, shaking his head and making his hood slip enough to see that his snake eye was glowing. However, Dom ignored all these responses and continued on.

“Naturally, we thought it prudent to erase the memory of Carrick ever being there for Libby, but that day, he took one look at that soul and he knew.”

“He knew what?” I asked in a cautious tone.

“How old and powerful a soul she really was.”

I couldn't help my reaction as I stood, nearly knocking back my chair. Something that would have crashed to the floor had it not been made from a weighty solid wood.

“An old soul? And you never told me?” I accused, making Dom sigh.

“And when exactly was I supposed to tell you, Jared? I've been protecting Ella far longer than you have,” he said, trying to maintain a calm tone, no doubt so as not to escalate this.

“And how exactly have you been protecting Ella, huh? She had fucking Hell Hounds turn up in the woods she protects and chase her?!”

“Of course, I didn't know the extent of who or what she was. I didn't know she was a soul in hiding. I had no fucking clue anyone was looking for her!” he snapped in return, that controlled calm quickly slipping when being forced to admit that he had fucked up her protection. Knowledge I pushed even harder for him to take responsibility for.

“Again, how exactly did you protect her?”

His hard look said it all, as a visible muscle started to twitch in his jawline.

“By the time I found this all out, she was nearly a year old. As I am sure you all fucking remember, but I wasn’t exactly around then and for good fucking reason!” he snapped, referring back to what was no doubt a painful time shortly after him and Keira first met. However, it was Lucius who added,

“I beg to differ there, my friend.” To which he grinned malevolently when a riled-up Dominic growled.

“Do not fucking go there, Lucius, in fact, every fucker around this table had a hand in what transpired during that time, so unless you want this meeting to end bloody, I suggest we move the fuck on!” Dom threatened, at the same time his eyes glowed with purple fire and his veins lit up in just the same way. To which Lucius merely fought a grin, as if pushing Dom, who was essentially now his father-in-law, was his new favorite past time. Then he gestured with his hand and said,

“But of course, please, continue, our King.”

Dom looked like he was close to spitting fire and would have, no doubt, had I not pointed out in growing annoyance,
