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“I don’t give a shit about the past unless it can be connected to Ella’s future. That’s when I need to know about it, so if there is more to tell, then can we please move the fuck on?!”

At this Dom forcibly took a deep breath and calmed his rage.

“After I spoke to Carrick and discovered what he sensed, I decided to have a protection spell cast, one she took with her in the form of a snow globe. Ironically, she had a thing for wolves…”

“And clearly she still has a thing for beasts,” I growled at that, making Sigurd smirk at the comment he made. However, Dom ignored the sarcastic jab and continued on,

“I had it cast in case there was anyone looking for her soul, she suffered with nightmares, and I told her that it would help keep her safe from them, that the wolf would protect her.” I thought about this, remembering seeing it there by her bed for myself but never getting so far as to ever ask her about it.

“That's why the Hell Hounds never got near her trailer but instead tried to lure her out,” I concluded, making Dom point out,

“In the end, it didn't really matter, as eventually she had you to protect her.”

“You should have told me,” I stated firmly, unable to unclench my fists.

“I fail to see that with the information I have given you today how it would have made any difference.”

I could now add the clenching of my jaw to match my fist when he said this.

“Any difference?” I uttered in disbelief, making him sigh again.

“It would not have changed who she was, and if her fate is entwined with becoming a Summoner, then that too is coming to fruition.” I was unable to help the next growl of words, as I snarled,

“Easy for you to say, she's not your fucking chosen one!”

He hardened his features and replied,

“No, but she is my niece and she is fucking family, so watch your tongue, HellBeast!”

“Fuck that! At this table, we are equals here and you know it! Ella means fucking everything to me and if in another life she was being hunted, and was now hiding after first being reborn as a mortal, do you not think that this is shit that I need to know in order to protect her?!” I all but bellowed at him.

“Well now you know,” was his firm statement, and I swear but I was close to erupting out of my fucking skin!

“Yeah, now I fucking know, right along with the fact that it seems you're not the only supernatural uncle she fucking has!” I threw back at him, knowing that this knowledge was going to fucking sting, but I wanted to make my point. Because if he had looked into this more, like he fucking should have, then we might not have been faced with this problem now and could have eliminated the threat while we had the upper hand.

“And what the fuck is that supposed to mean?!” he snapped, gritting his teeth.

“That old soul you failed to mention or look into, well, she is Geryon’s niece!”

“What?!” Dom hissed in disbelief.

“What the fuck does the King of Fraud have to do with any of this?” Sigurd asked, knowing of the eighth level of Hell and its ruler.

“Garmr is Geryon, they are one and the same. I saw it for my own eyes when he appeared at the arena. He was the king I was hoping to forge an allegiance with, believing Garmr was hiding in his realm without his knowledge. Knowledge I was going to use in hopes of gaining use of his armies,” I told them all, now my standoff with Dom had taken a step back… for now.

“What makes you think this?” The question came from Lucius, someone who had heard all this and looked quietly deep in thought throughout this part of the conversation.

“Both he and Niniane confirmed as much,” I told him, which caused him to frown.

“They are wrong,” Lucius stated firmly, and before I could argue further, he retrieved his phone from the inside of his suit pocket. Then without informing anyone of who he was calling, he simply made the request,

“The Table of Kings meeting, be here now.”

“You seem very sure of this fact, Lucius?” Dom asked.

“And I have good reason to be,” he affirmed, making us all frown in question.

“So, you're saying that they were lying, that Garmr is not Geryon?” I asked, trying to get my head around why he would be so sure.
