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He released a deep sigh and told us,

“Alright, does someone want to tell me what’s really going on with Ella and why she is now a Summoner?”

At this the whole room seemed to freeze over. It was like no one knew what to do or what to say. My first thought, which was most likely everyone else’s, was why the fuck had Ella told him?

“I don’t know what you talking about, Frank, or what a Sum…” Frank quickly stopped him and said,

“Let me stop you right there and we can move on for the bullshit. You’re a Vampire, you’re a HellBeast, you’re a HellBeast, and you’re a Demon/Angel half breed who married my sister-in-law… so, how am I doing so far?”

Okay, so if I thought the room had frozen before, then now it was the fucking Arctic!

“How did you…?” Dom stammered for words, and it was an usual sight for sure, as it wasn’t often anything shocked him enough to do so. But this… well, this had shocked fucking all of us!

But nothing was more shocking than when he then told us…

“Because I’m not fucking mortal, that’s why.”



“Come again?” Dom said in a dark tone, one that was clearly mixed with a good deal of skepticism. Frank released a sigh and told us,

“I know what you’re thinking.”

“I doubt that,” Lucius added wryly, he looked as shocked as we all did.

“You’re wondering how none of you knew,” he stated and well, yeah, we were all fucking wondering that. As for myself, my mind was fucking spinning!

“Alright, so maybe he does know what we are all thinking,” Lucius replied sarcastically, before looking to Dom and asking, “I am assuming from the dumbfounded look on your face like we all wear, that you didn’t know either?”

“No. I did not,” he stated firmly, folding his arms across his chest, his whiskey long forgot. Whereas I had needed to down mine.

“Well, if it makes you feel any better, then no one does. Because as far as my past life is concerned, everyone believed me to be dead and well, I just decided to keep it that way,” Frank told us, making me eager to discover what type of past life he was speaking of.

“Who were you, Frank?” I asked, feeling as if he had a story to tell and for the first time in the Gods only knew how long, now was the time he had chosen to tell it.

“I was a hunter, one of the Fallen, and doing my time ridding the mortal world of rogue supernaturals, as your Enforcers aren’t the only one with that job,” he said, aiming this part at Dom and shit me, but he really did know all about our world.

“You’re an Angel?” Orth guessed, making Frank nod.

“How did you manage to hide this knowledge?” Dom asked, as no doubt this was what he really wanted to know.

“It happened while I was hunting. An Ego Vereor Demon going by the name Yvonne Dubeck. Found her in these parts and tracked her to a house.”

“Your house,” Lucius added as things started falling into place.

“Yeah, but I know what you’re thinking, I didn’t just steal this fucking vessel,” he snapped, frowning.

“Then what happened?”

“Like I said, I tracked the bitch to the uncle’s house, when a fight broke out. I’d managed to mask what was happening to the uncle, saving him, but when his nephew turned up, she almost killed him during the fight. Injured me too, beyond something I could repair. I tried to save him, but by then it was too late. Yvonne got away, fled the scene and left the poor man to die in my arms.”

“So you took his vessel?” Lucius asked, making Frank grit this teeth before answering,

“I had no choice. Like I said, mine was beyond repair but then something strange happened… something I never could have predicted.”

“What happened?” I asked, as I was doing a pretty good job reserving my judgement until the end.
