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“Yeah, you did!” he agreed, beaming at me when he finally let me go.

“Damn, think you cracked my back with that one,” I teased, before Smidge came running over and threw herself at me, near tripping up over her peach-colored ruffled dress.

“Boss man! You did it! I am so proud.” I couldn’t help but laugh before she turned to Ella and, again, the hugs kept coming.

Then the girls all fawned over the ring, wanting to see it and making Ella light up as she proudly showed it off. I swear, the sight near had me choking up again. It was fucking beautiful.

I had taken the opportunity to tell Ella about the ring on our way back to the party, explaining its design and the significance of the stone. Again, once I was finished, she practically threw herself at me, pushing me against the wall and kissing me. Shit, but I think had her dress allowed her the freedom of movement, then she would have tried to climb me like a damn tree.

Not that I was fucking complaining.

My insatiable girl what hot as fuck!

Dom and Keira were next in line, with Keira getting in on the action, joining the girls and hugging her niece. I received another slap on the back from Dom, who had already given me not just a handshake but also voiced his own approval when I had told him of my plans to ask Ella to marry me.

“I am pleased to see how happy you make my niece, congratulations, Jared, she is and always has been, a rare jewel,” he said, making me look back at her, surrounded by such love and seeing her at the center of it all just warmed my heart. She was practically glowing in her happiness, and it was one of the most beautiful sights to behold.

“Well, what do you say us guys go and get a real drink, Dom? I am sure you have the best stuff upstairs, perhaps in your office… What do say, Orth, you game?” Frank said, slapping Dom on his shoulder and giving the three of us a look, as if relaying something unspoken to us.

“I am sure I have a bottle or two,” Dom agreed, obviously taking the hint. I was intrigued to see what he had to say and whether I was about to receive some ‘fatherly’ advice from a man who would essentially become my father-in-law.

I nodded the once and walked over to Ella, who had just received a bouncing hug from a ‘whooping’ Pip as she was like an excitable puppy that couldn’t be contained. Adam, her husband, as usual tried his best to contain her as she jumped up and down while clapping, already making plans about the stag and hen party she was convinced she was going to be allowed to throw us.

“I won’t be long, we are just going to take your father and celebrate with a few drinks,” I told her, after placing my hand on her lower back and unable to help my fingers from plucking at the ribbon. I wanted her to know where my mind was really at and it was, of course, on getting her naked… soon.

“Man style celebrating,” she teased, making me tease her right back, repeating over her lips,

“Man style celebrating.” At this she gave me a beaming grin, and whispered a sweet endearment back.

“Okay, baby.” I kissed her, making everyone around us all make sappy noises of ‘awws’ and ‘ooo’s’ but I ignored it all, for there was only Ella. Only her and her smile. Hence why she made it fucking hard to leave but then, she always had. Even back when I was denying myself the truth, I had found it difficult being without her. Of course, I had made the excuse that my HellBeast was just getting used to her being around. But at my core, I knew that it was just a bullshit excuse.

So, like all those times before, I forced myself to walk away and join the others as they started up the stairs. Dom walked over to the bar area and placed a few bottle of the good stuff on the bar, along with four glasses.

“Have to admit, never thought I would see you as a bar man,” I said with a smirk, making Dom laugh.

“What can I say? Keira might have taught me a thing or two.”

“Yes, well as long as it’s knowing how to pour a good drink, then count me in.” We all turned to see Lucius joining us, as clearly, he hadn’t missed the opportunity to get away from the squealing ladies.

“Or drink tequila like a fish… damn, I don’t know how my sister does it,” Frank said with a shake of his head, making Dom smirk. But then I also saw a subtle look pass between Dom and Frank, and when he nodded, I knew it had been a silent question about Lucius joining us. Because seconds later and he was adding another glass to the bar top. Then after dropping a ball of ice in each, Dom poured the amber liquid in each and, soon, we were each drinking back thousands of dollars. Because Dom’s version of the best bottle came with the highest price tag you could find.

But then, this was a celebration. after all.

One that clearly had to take place inside Dom’s office as he held out his arm and suggested,

“Should we?”

We each took our cut crystal whiskey glasses, while Dom carried a fresh bottle toward the back of the club. Which meant we were soon all taking a seat in his office.

“You really need to get rid of this fucking ugly couch, Dom.”

“I’ve been saying the same for years,” Lucius added, referring to the gaudy, teal velvet couch we had sat in.

“Unfortunately, it now has too much sentimental value to Keira to do so. Trust me, it hasn’t been through lack of trying.”

We laughed at this, but my eyes shifted to Orth to see him now watching Frank. A man that clearly had something on his mind. And well, the moment I said his name, the very last fucking thing every man here thought he would say was what came out of his mouth!

