Page 28 of The Veteran

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I pull out of her and look down at my hard cock all coated in her cream. It’s a beautiful mess.

My eyes roam back to my girl and I spend a minute or two admiring her while she quickly falls asleep.

I get off the bed, put the hotel robe on, and try to get my girl under the sheets. It’s no small feat. She’s sound asleep and not helping me at all.

Finally, I get her under the covers and I kiss her temple. She smiles, but doesn’t open her eyes.

A wave of protectiveness washes over me.

These two—my girl and my son—they’re mine to watch over now. They’re mine to protect. Mine to take care of.

I’m going to be a good man for both of them. I’m going to be whatever they need.

With a warmth in my chest, I head into the other room to check on Lucas.

It hits me right in the heart when I see him sound asleep in the middle of the enormous bed. He’s adorable. He’s perfect.

After admiring him for a few minutes, I pull the blankets up to his chin.

“I love you,” I whisper as I kiss his forehead. “I’m going to be by your side from now on. I promise.”

He doesn’t hear any of it, but it’s all true.

I’m not leaving my family. I’m here to stay.

With my body bursting with love and happiness, I walk back into the room where my girl is sleeping.

I slide into the bed and hold her in my arms. I love the coconut smell of her hair, so I sink my nose into it as I listen to her slow breathing.

“I love you too,” I whisper to her. “And I always will.”

She doesn’t hear me either, but it doesn’t matter.

I have the rest of my life to show her that it’s true.



Iwake up to Lucas yelling “Cowabunga, dude!”

I sit up in a panic, not wanting him to walk in and see us in the same bed. I’m not sure what’s going to happen between me and Harris, but I don’t want Lucas getting his hopes up just in case it doesn’t work out.

The bed is empty.

All of my worst fears come flooding into my mind when I see those flat sheets. He took off in the middle of the night. It was all lies to get into my pants. He doesn’t want to be saddled with a wife and child. It was one night of fun and now I’m going to have to return home with a broken-hearted child.

“Turtle Power!”

All the tension rushes out of me when I hear that deep masculine voice.

I smile as I get up and tiptoe to the door. I quietly push it open and peek inside the main room.

My boys have the ribbons from the curtains wrapped around their foreheads like ninjas and are wrestling on the couch while the Ninja Turtles movie is playing in the background.

Lucas looks so happy as his father picks him up and tackles him into the couch cushions. Harris looks happy too. He always has this look of wondrous disbelief on his face whenever he’s looking at Lucas.

I watch them playing so well together with a smile on my face. They look like they’ve been best friends their whole lives.
