Page 12 of The Oath of Seduce

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WHILE I stand there, battling to keep my composure, I battle with the devastating realization that had slammed into me mere minutes ago. This man isn’t just any Luka. He’s Luka Ivankov, the infamous Bratva boss I’ve been assigned to bug. The very same Luka Ivankov who wouldn’t think twice about ending my life if he uncovered my mission. My heart hammers wildly against my ribcage, threatening to burst as fear and adrenaline course through my veins.

Pull yourself together, Sophia!

I can’t let him see my terror. But how can I not be petrified? This man is a walking threat, and I’m caught in a high-stakes, perilous game.

“Sophia,” Luka’s voice rumbles like distant thunder, the deep timbre making my core clench with need. People around us stare, but he seems oblivious, his fingers gripping my chin while his other hand encircles my throat. I struggle to maintain my composure, unwilling to show him my rising panic.

The moment he speaks my name, I find myself sucking in a breath. The sound feels like a caress that ignites a pulsating throb deep within me. It’s as if he’s stroking my clit with his voice alone, unraveling me and leaving me exposed. My body betrays me, responding to his dominance with an insatiable hunger that both terrifies and exhilarates me.

“Come to my room. You could do a better job of…cleaning my shirt if we have some privacy,” he taunts. The more he asserts his dominance, the more I find myself craving his control, despite the inherent danger he represents.

Does he have this effect on everyone?

I remember the way those women had talked about him, and I wonder if I’m the first one he’s propositioned tonight. As I hesitate, a surge of conflicting emotions overwhelms me, making it difficult to breathe. His fingers on my skin make me burn, a warmth that spreads down to flood my chest. My heart races, my skin flushes, and my body seems to hum with anticipation, betraying my better judgment.

“Now, Sophia,” he whispers, his voice heavy with promise and desire. The way he says it has every muscle in my body tightening. My stomach clenches, my throat constricts, and an ache spreads through my pussy – a maddening blend of resistance and yearning.

Oh, my God. This is insane!

I’m pretty sure my panties are soaked. The visceral reaction I have to this man is dangerous, tempting, and utterly wrong. Every fiber of my being screams at me to submit, to surrender to his irresistible force. And as I take a step toward the unknown, I realize that I am on the brink of crossing a line from which there would be no return.

In a desperate attempt to regain control, I blurt out the first thing that comes to my mind.

“You know, Luka, you’re so muscular it’s almost intimidating. Do your muscles have muscles? I bet your biceps are so huge you could bench press me without breaking a sweat,” I babble.

What. The. Fuck am I even saying?

I cringe inwardly at my own stupidity.

To my surprise, he just chuckles. “Is that a challenge, Sophia? Careful, I might just have to prove it to you.” The playful threat sends a quiver through me. Somehow, I have no doubt that he could do it if he wanted to.

It’s just a joke. A stupid joke!

I pinch my lips together, trying to maintain my composure. “Don’t be a brute.” I try to sound firm, but my voice is barely more than a whisper. “I’m just trying to lighten the mood.”

“And you’re doing a fine job, krasotka. But you should know that I can’t resist a challenge. Especially when it involves…a favorite new toy.”

I feel my chest tighten as he pulls me closer, the heat of his body seeping into mine. It’s a heady sensation, making it even harder to resist him. The man is so damn primal, and I’m caught in his web, struggling to escape the pull of his magnetic presence.

“Fine!” I snap suddenly, my voice wavering just a tad, but enough to make me wince internally. “I’ll go to your room and help you clean up, but let’s get one thing straight: I am not some toy for you to play with.”

Luka smirks at my resistance, and I mutter, “Such an ass,” under my breath, rolling my eyes for good measure.

Luka raises an eyebrow, and I silently chastise myself.

What is wrong with me?

It’s like my body has a mind of its own, drawn to this dangerous Bratva bad boy despite the risks. But then again, maybe it’s not such a bad thing. After all, getting close to him might just be the perfect opportunity to plant that microchip. As my mind races, I muster a nervous laugh, trying to play it cool.

“You know, I always say, when life hands you a tall, dark, and handsome mystery man, you just gotta…go with the flow, right?” My attempt at humor sounds even lamer than I thought it would, but Luka seems amused, if not a bit puzzled, by my sudden change in demeanor.

At that moment, the group of women from earlier saunters over, their eyes filled with envy and irritation. The leader of the pack, a stunning redhead with a wicked gleam in her eyes, boldly approaches Luka, trying to regain his attention.

“Luka, darling,” she purrs, flicking a dismissive glance at me, “why don’t you ditch this little bitch and let us take care of you?”

I feel my cheeks burn with humiliation, but before I can defend myself, Luka’s icy gaze locks onto the redhead.

His voice is cold and cutting as he says, “You must be mistaking me for someone who gives a damn about your opinion. I’m not interested. I suggest you and your desperate little friends slither back under whatever rock you crawled out from.”
