Page 127 of The Oath of Seduce

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“I will not kill my woman , the mother of my child.”

My eyes had nearly popped out of my head. “You… You’re going to be a father?”

“Yeah,” Luka had answered, his voice solid, like he’d carved it in stone.

That’s it. My best friend, my brother-in-arms, is going be a dad. And what am I? Stuck in the same shithole, playing the same twisted games.

A sick feeling settles in my stomach. Is it jealousy? Maybe. Sadness? Yeah, a bit of that too. It’s like Luka’s moving on to something big, something life-changing. And me? I’m still here, getting my hands dirty, fighting the same old fights.

I shake my head, trying to get rid of the thoughts, but they stick with me, nagging like a damn itch I can’t reach.

So, what do I do? The only thing I know how to do.

I fight.

That’s why I’m here. The underground fight club smells like shit. Sweat, blood, and whatever dreams have died there. I’m tearing into some poor bastard like I want to kill him. The crowd is going nuts, screaming like a bunch of lunatics.

This place, hidden deep under the city, is a playground for sick fucks who get their kicks from watching men beat each other to a pulp. Money flows like water, all stained with pain and suffering.

Erik and I, we’ve been coming here for years. But tonight, it feels different. It’s like there’s something missing, something off. Or maybe it’s just me. Maybe I’m the one who’s off.

Luka’s moving on, and here I am, stuck in the same damn place.


I land a punch, and the guy’s face explodes in a spray of blood. The crowd goes wild, but I don’t give a shit.

I fucking need the pain.

I fucking need someone to bleed.

It’s one day till I finally get to end Aleks’s miserable life.

And then it hits me like a kick in the belly. Little Yulia’s birthday. Supposed to be her day. But it’s all fucked up, and it’s driving me insane.

“Fucking kill him, Dimitri!” Erik yells, his eyes wild.

I slam my fist into the guy’s face again, feeling his nose break. Blood goes everywhere, and I don’t care.

Aleks’s face flashes in my mind, and I see red. How the fuck does he always know? How does he keep fucking everything up?

Yulia’s birthday. Her sweet face, her laughter. It’s all getting buried in this shitstorm, and it’s tearing me apart.

Everything’s fucked. Aleks, Yulia, Luka, my life. All of it.

Tomorrow’s her day, but all I can think about is killing. Tearing Aleks apart.

The crowd’s roaring, the blood’s flowing, but all I feel is rage.

The guy swings at me, but I dodge and return with a knee to his gut. He doubles over, gasping for air, but I don’t give him a chance to recover. I grab his head and slam it into my rising knee. Teeth scatter across the floor.

I roar, yanking my opponent up by the hair and unleashing a barrage of punches. I can feel his face cave under my fists, but I don’t stop. I can’t stop. Not until Aleks’s smug smile is wiped off the face of this earth.

With one final, thunderous punch, the guy’s body goes limp in my arms. I toss him aside like trash, my chest heaving, my blood singing in my veins.

I don’t feel bad for the guy; he chose this life.

That’s the fucking truth of choosing to be a fighter. There’s no room for sympathy here.
