Page 23 of The Oath of Seduce

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I chuckle at her feisty spirit, ruffling her hair affectionately. “Forgive me, Miss Ivankov,” I tease. “Or would you prefer ‘Your Royal Highness’?”

Yulia giggles, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she starts jumping on the bed again. Her laughter is infectious, and it makes me smile. As tough as life can be, moments like these with my sister remind me of the softer side of things, the side that I often try to keep hidden from the rest of the world.

I stand and stretch, feeling the satisfying ache in my muscles. It’s been far too long since I had a woman like Sophia in my bed, and now I crave more. The mix of emotions – the pleasure from the previous night and the warmth of being with family once more – washes over me, making me feel more alive than I have in a long time.

“Come on, Miss Ivankov,” I say, scooping Yulia into my arms and tickling her sides. “Let’s go get some breakfast, and then we can take your puppy for a walk, yes?”

“But I already had breakfast with Dima and Erik.” She pouts, her pretty blue eyes wide and innocent, a perfect match for her cherubic face framed by golden curls. Yulia is the spitting image of the mother we lost to cancer just six years ago. It never fails to take my breath away, the love and loss mingling in my chest, a constant reminder of the woman who once held our family together.

“Oh, you did?” I ask, feigning surprise. “Well then, I guess I’ll just have to eat by myself. Maybe I’ll find a slice of cold pizza and see if I can convince it to be friends with me.”

Yulia giggles, her laughter like music to my ears. “Don’t be silly, Luka! Pizza can’t be your friend. You eat pizza!”

I chuckle, unable to resist playing along. “Fine, I’ll just have to settle for some eggs, then. Maybe they’ll listen to my jokes.”

Her excitement bubbles to the surface. “But guess what, Luka! In one month, I’ll be eight years old!” She beams with pride, practically bouncing in my arms.

A pang of guilt twists in my gut, remembering the four years I spent in jail, unable to care for her myself. I feel a little clueless when it comes to taking care of her; my world is about brute force and killing, not raising a child.

“Really? You’re growing up so fast, malyška,” I say, pushing the darkness aside and focusing on the moment. “We’ll have to plan a party for your big day. Maybe we can hire a clown…or would you prefer a magician? I hear they can make things disappear, though I’m not sure if they can make my terrible cooking vanish.” I listen to myself as if the words are coming from someone else. What the fuck do I know about planning a kid’s party?

Yulia laughs again, her eyes sparkling with excitement. “Can we invite all my friends? And have cake and games?

“Friends?” I ask in surprise. “Who are your friends, Yulia?”

She grins at me, her innocence shining through. “Erik, Dima, and Maria, of course! They’re my best friends!”

A sharp bark interrupts her bright chatter.

“And don’t forget about Max, of course!” I smile and plant a kiss on Yulia’s forehead.

“Yes! Max is my best-best friend in the world,” Yulia agrees.

I feel a pang of sadness at her words, knowing that her “friends” are limited to our trusted bodyguards and her nanny, Maria. It’s not fair that Yulia has been forced to grow up locked in our fortified mansion. I don’t know how she manages to stay so cheerful. It amazes me.

“Of course, we’ll invite them all, and we’ll have cake, games, and anything else you want for your birthday, malyška,” I promise, trying to hide my sorrow.

Yulia’s eyes suddenly widen as though she’s remembered something crucial. “Oh! I almost forgot! Dimitri and Erik are waiting for you in the gym. They want to talk to you about something. It’s urgent.”

I furrow my brow, curious about what could be so urgent that it couldn’t wait. “Thanks for letting me know, Yulia.” I gently set her down, giving her a quick hug. “Why don’t you go play with your puppy while I go see what they want?”

She nods enthusiastically. “Okay, Luka! See you later!” With that, she dashes off, her puppy nipping at her heels as she runs out of the room.

As I watch her bound away, a fierce sense of protectiveness swells within me. Yulia is the light of my life. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep her safe and happy.

As I enter the gym, I find Erik and Dimitri sparring inside the octagon ring. Beads of sweat glisten on their muscular bodies, and the air is thick with the scent of exertion and aggression. Despite their fierce appearance, I can sense the undercurrent of amusement in their expressions as they notice me walking in.

Erik smirks as he wipes a trail of blood from his split lip with the back of his hand. Slate-gray eyes flash toward me for a moment before zoning back on his looming opponent.

“Well, well, if it isn’t the boss himself,” Erik says, still focused on Dimitri. “We were starting to think you’d gone soft on us, Luka. Or could it be that a certain little waitress has captured your attention?”

Dimitri moves near the edge of the octagon, the dangerous glint in his dark eyes hinting at his ruthless nature. Scars from bullets and knives mar his massive frame, yet he moves with surprising agility as he circles Erik, who is built more like a Greek god, with a bad-boy grin to match.

“Yeah, I heard you two had quite the rendezvous last night, Luka,” Dimitri taunts. “What happened? Did she put up a fight or just fall into your arms like all the others?”

Annoyance simmers within me, but I suppress it, knowing they’re trying to provoke me. “Cut the crap, guys. Why am I here?”

Erik dodges a powerful punch from Dimitri, his sculpted muscles flexing with the effort. “Well, boss, our shipment cleared customs. We’re set to meet the new buyers tomorrow.”
