Page 3 of The Oath of Seduce

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I GROAN as the sack comes off my face. My head is ringing, my eyes bleary. The world is a blur of indistinct shapes and colors.

Dear God!

My head feels like it’s been split open.

Memories start to flood back, hazy and disjointed. I remember leaving Tara’s coffee shop, the bitter taste of espresso still on my tongue. I remember walking through the alleyway, my usual shortcut to my second job at the mall. It had been quiet, too quiet. And then I felt it, that prickling sensation down the back of my neck that told me I was being watched.

I had turned around, the fear already starting to rise in my chest. And then everything had gone dark.

My hands are tied, but not tightly enough to be painful. I adjust to a more comfortable position on the creaking chair. Realization suddenly dawns…

Someone kidnapped me! Oh God, please!

“I think you broke the doll,” I hear a voice say. The sound startles me, and I jolt my head upright, my eyes scanning the room for the source.

My captor steps out of the shadows, and I can feel the blood drain from my face. He’s tall and menacing, with a shock of gray hair and eyes that seem to bore into my very soul. There’s something in the cruel curve of his lips that gives me the impression that he enjoys inflicting pain.

He walks towards me with an air of confidence, the aura around him so sinister that it makes me want to scream and break free. But I keep my mouth shut, even though I am scared out of my mind.

Don’t show him you’re afraid!

He crouches down to my level, his eyes scanning my face, and I try to look anywhere but at him. He has a few black strands in his silver hair, and his gray eyes look like storm clouds. He pushes my hair away from my face, and I feel his palm linger against my skin briefly.

“Don’t be afraid, pretty doll,” he whispers. “No one is going to hurt you…”

But I can feel the lie behind his words. I’m terrified, my heart pounding in my chest as I try to figure out what to do. I can see the craving in his eyes, the hunger for power and control. It’s sickening.

“Unless you don’t do what we ask you to,” he adds, a sly smile twisting his mouth.

I try to keep my expression neutral, not wanting to show any weakness. But the fear is still there, gnawing at the edges of my mind.

I don’t know how I’m going to get out of this alive.

I glance around the room, looking for any sign of a way out. The windows are too high, the door is guarded. There’s no way I can escape on my own. I can feel my heart racing, and I try to keep my breathing even, but it’s hard with the menace he exudes.

“I don’t know who you guys are, but clearly, you’ve got the wrong person,” I say, trying to keep my voice steady.

“Do we?” he asks, standing up to face the two men behind him. “She says we have the wrong person.”

“No. I’m certain,’ I say firmly. “You have the wrong person. I have no money. There’s no point in kidnapping me,” I try to reason with him. He just smirks and steps closer until I can feel the heat emanating from his body. As he reaches out to touch me, I flinch away, but he catches my cheeks in a tight grip. He pulls me closer.

“You’re wrong, pretty doll. You’re worth everything to me,” he murmurs in my ear, his breath hot against my skin. I recoil in horror.

“Get away from me, you freak! What do you want from me?” My voice grows shrill as I twist my head away.

“A feisty one.” He chuckles, “All in due time, my dear.”

I struggle to free myself from the ropes, but it’s no use. I am completely at his mercy.

“Who are you?” I demand, my voice trembling. “What the hell do you want from me?”

He regards me with a glint in his eyes. Malice rolls from him in waves.

“Ah! Yes, how terribly impolite of me,” he drawls, savoring the moment.

“My name is Aleks, but around these parts, people call me the Big Boss.” His laughter chills me, a sinister reminder of his power over me. Yet, the contemptuous sneer on his face makes my blood boil.

What a narcissistic bastard!
