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As he scrolled through the listings, he couldn’t help but imagine starting over in a peaceful and idyllic place like that. However, nothing seemed to jump out at him. So, he entered his email and signed up on the site, hoping something new and exciting would come on the market.


The next week, at the hearing, the disciplinary board delivered their harsh verdict—Jeremiah would be expelled for the remainder of the year. Luke’s heart sank as he pleaded with them, desperation lacing his voice, to give his son another chance. But it didn’t sway their decision. Jeremiah hardly spoke a word, remaining indifferent, as if the expulsion meant nothing to him.

Luke knew something had to change and his idea to move to a new place was making much more sense. The picturesque Georgia coast, where Jeremiah’s late mother had always dreamed of living, could be the balm they both needed. And as luck would have it, things did change.

One morning, as Luke sat sipping his coffee, his phone buzzed with an email notification from Zillow, showcasing a new house that had just become available in Hadley Cove, Georgia. His heart raced as he read through the listing, imagining a fresh start for them. It checked the boxes of everything they had been looking for. But just as he was lost in his thoughts, Jeremiah stormed into the kitchen, clearly not in the mood for a conversation.

Luke spoke up, as Jeremiah poured himself a bowl of cereal. “Hey Jer, I need to talk to you.”

Jeremiah looked back. “Okay? I’m here. Talk.”

Luke took that as an encouragement. “Look we’ve got to make changes, Jeremiah. We’ve been doing the same thing over and over and it hasn’t helped. You’re expelled from school and are going to have to do summer school online so you can go into your senior year. I don’t want you to throw your life away. No matter how much you hate me, I can’t let you do that.”

Jeremiah stirred the spoon around the bowl, avoiding eye contact with Luke. “Okay... so what changes?”

Luke exhaled, “Well, I think we should move to a new place and start over—”

Jeremiah interrupted, slamming his fist down on the table. “You’re always thinking about what you want! What about what I want? I don’t want to leave Mom’s memory behind! This is the only place that still feels close to her, and you want to take that away from me too?”

Luke remained calm, despite the rising tension in the room. “Son, it’s not about leaving her memory behind,” he said softly. “I should’ve told you earlier, but your mother always wanted to live on the Georgia coast. There’s a house I saw that would be perfect for us. She would’ve loved it. In a way, this would be honoring her, and it could be a fresh start for us. It could be a really good thing.”

Jeremiah crossed his arms, tears streaming down his face. “I don’t want a new life!! I want Mom. I can’t believe you would even consider moving away from here!”

Luke’s heart ached as he saw the pain in his son’s eyes. “Jeremiah, you can hate me forever, but I’m out of options,” he said with determination. “I’m going to call the realtor soon. We’re going.”

“If you make me leave, I’ll never forgive you! Ever!”

“If I let you throw your life away, I’ll never forgive myself,” Luke replied, his voice cracking with emotion. “I love you, and I know you can’t see that now, but I know you will someday.”

Jeremiah stormed off, leaving Luke standing there, his heart heavy with the weight of their strained relationship. He knew it wouldn’t be easy, but he was willing to do whatever it took to save his son, even if it meant making tough decisions and weathering Jeremiah’s anger. Deep down, Luke believed that one day Jeremiah would understand the depth of his love. He was willing to take the risk, believing that their move to the Georgia coast could be the beginning of a new chapter, one that would bring healing and redemption for them both.

Chapter 3


Three Months Later

Emma wiped the sweat from her brow as she stepped out onto the small front porch, surveying the new cottage she now called home. The last thing she needed was for Riley to escape while she was still in the process of moving everything in. Fortunately, she only had one more box to carry inside, and then she could finally rest for the night.

As she walked over to her car and grabbed the last box out of the trunk, she couldn’t help but feel a tinge of anxiety about whether she’d be able to find a place for everything she’d brought with her. Emma had already donated a lot of clothes and household items she knew she wouldn’t need, but it still felt like too much stuff. After all, this one-bedroom, thousand-square-foot cottage was considerably smaller than the home she had shared with her ex-husband Chad.

The sun was just beginning to set as she carried the last box inside. As she opened the front door. Riley was waiting for her, tail wagging. He attempted to run out to the yard, but Emma wrangled him back inside. With one arm carrying the box and the other holding onto Riley’s collar, she kicked the door behind her and sat down in a nearby armchair, completely exhausted. She had sent Lisa home an hour ago after getting most of the boxes in, but Emma didn’t realize how much work was going to be left for her to do on her own.

Emma had managed to move in a few days before the much-awaited Fourth of July celebrations in Hadley Cove. The town was known for its grand festivities during the day, followed by a stunning fireworks display at night. Emma and Chad had made it a tradition to attend the festival together and then lay out a blanket in their backyard, sipping wine and admiring the show. The memory of those happy moments made Emma’s eyes well up with tears. She blinked them away and rose from her armchair, heading to the kitchen to prepare dinner for Riley.

Although the new cottage was a fresh start for her, Emma found it difficult to let go of the past. The blue exterior with white trim, symbolizing the beach and ocean, was a stark contrast to her old home’s dark brown facade with forest green shutters, accentuating the natural surroundings. Emma hoped the change of scenery would help her move forward. There were so many wonderful memories made in that old house. She only hoped the new owners would take good care of it.

After placing Riley’s dish on the ground, Emma walked towards the window in the kitchen. From there, she could see the back of the house that led to the beach. The rhythmic sound of the waves as they crashed on the shore was a balm to her frayed nerves. She closed her eyes and pictured herself lying on the sand, lost in a captivating novel. Returning to the living room, she looked at the chaos of boxes and furniture with determination. She imagined her vision for the room, with her desk nestled in the corner, surrounded by all her work essentials. She could create a cozy reading nook by the front window, with enough space for a comfortable couch and a TV on the opposite wall. It was all going to come together, Emma thought, as she took a deep breath. She was going to be happy in this cottage. At least, she hoped so.

As the days passed, Emma found herself immersed in the process of settling into her new home. With each box she unpacked, the house felt more like her own. Only a few remained, and she was certain most of what was left would go into the attic. But as she sat on the couch one afternoon, curiosity got the better of her, and she decided to take a peek inside. The first box she opened was filled to the brim with Christmas decorations, and she quickly decided to store them away. The next box, however, brought a smile to her face. Inside were Riley’s adoption papers, neatly tucked away alongside his old collars and a few chew toys.

“I’d better keep these somewhere safe, just in case we need them again.” Emma carefully placed the adoption papers on the coffee table and glanced over at Riley, who was snoozing away in his dog bed next to the couch. She released a soft sigh, thinking about how much he meant to her. He had been her biggest comfort through it all, especially now after the divorce.

Emma thought back to the day she found him at Second Chance Rescue, huddled in the corner of his kennel, shaking with fear. A volunteer had told her his story: some cruel person had left him in a trashcan at the park with a broken leg when some kids discovered him. The rescue nursed him back to health, and a family had adopted him as a Christmas present for their son. But two months later, they returned him because he kept having accidents in the house. Emma couldn’t believe someone would give up such a sweet dog after all he had been through.

But when Emma saw him that day, it was love at first sight. How could anyone ever hurt this sweet boy? She knew the scared little pup was exactly who she needed in her life and adopted him on the spot. There would be no returning him, she told herself. Riley would only know love from that day on. The first few months were a challenge, but Emma poured all her effort into training him and helping him overcome his fears. They went to classes together, practiced commands, and went on long walks to build trust. Five years later, she couldn’t have asked for a more loyal, well-behaved dog.
