Page 72 of Nils

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That’s how I was able to order one I’m sure she’ll love. It’s a traditional round diamond solitaire in a beautiful platinum setting.

That rock is huge, but not gaudy.

Anyway, the ring came in last week.

So, I’m set and ready to go.

I think about whether to do something big or just keep the proposal simple.

I’m not sure.

But then an idea comes to me…

Tonight, Ellie and I are returning to that same field where the holiday laser show was held last winter. This time, though, it’s for fireworks on the 4th of July.

I think I’ll ask her to marry me while we’re there.

That place holds special meaning for us. It’s where I finally surrendered, and where we first kissed.

We’ve been together ever since that night, so it’s more than fitting.

With the decision made, I spend the rest of the day counting down the hours.

And let me tell you, tonight can’t get here fast enough.

Ellie is leaning back against me, my arms are wrapped around her, and fireworks are exploding above our heads.

We’re in almost the same position we were in all those many months ago, only it’s not cold out, and the field is nice and grassy.

The time feels right, so just as a huge shower of red, white, and blue lights up the night sky, I slip out from behind Ellie and drop down to one knee in front of her.

“What are you doing?” she asks, looking totally confused.

Good, I want this to be a surprise.

Digging into my jeans pocket for the ring, I tell her, “Ellie, there’s something I’ve been meaning to ask you.” Before she can put it together, I pull out the ring and say, “Will you make me the happiest man on the planet and marry me?”

Her beautiful turquoise eyes widen, and then she’s smiling and laughing and saying, “Yes, yes, I’ll marry you, Nils.”

I slide the ring onto her finger and stand up.

My lips are on hers then. I’m kissing the woman who’s about to be my wife with all the love I feel for her.

And you know what?

In this moment, I really am the happiest man on the planet.
