Page 108 of Letters: Chad's Story

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“I just wanted to thank Maggie and Alex for the love they have shown me this past year and a half. Also, to my own parents, thank you for being here. I hope this is the beginning of more time together for us as well.”

Cole paused and seemed to be gathering his thoughts or his nerve, maybe both. Perhaps he was overwhelmed to be surrounded by the group we’d managed to assemble. Many of them were a part of his past, many a part of mine, and somehow, they all were part of the tapestry of friendship and love that bound us all together.

“As I look around this room, I am reminded of the importance of friendship and family. I believe I have plenty of both with those of you here today,” he began. “With that said, I’d be remiss if I didn’t mention the person who is not physically with us today, but is with us in spirit. As you all know, Jack was my best friend.”

He motioned towards Perry. “More importantly, he was Perry’s husband, and many of you knew him personally as well.” Cole turned to me. “One of you in particular, my partner, Chad, seems to have a special connection with my bestie. At first, I was wary of such things, but have learned, like I suspect many of you have, that Chad is an unusually connected human being.”

Cole took the time to take in the assembled group before continuing, swiping at his eyes beforehand. “I guess what I’m trying to say is that I think my friend Jack is still looking out for me today. Of course, he always said he would, and here I am with a second chance at love. I know Jack is here right now and I’m happy for him to witness what I want to do now.”

Cole reached for my hand before turning to my father. “Maggie, Alex. I love your son with all of my heart and I will spend my lifetime protecting his pure heart and loving him unconditionally if you will give your blessing for me to ask Chad to marry me.”

Mom and Marla instantly burst into tears as Alan touched his face gently to prevent his own tears. One by one, the people at the table turned their eyes expectantly to my father and then to me. Mom, of course, couldn’t speak, and Dad was practically bursting with emotions at the question.

“Maggie?” Dad asked, turning to Mom. Mom nodded her head enthusiastically. “I guess that’s a yes, Cole,” Dad said.

Cole dropped to one knee, pulling a small box from his dinner jacket. “Will you do this journey with me, my love? Will you marry me?”

I couldn’t actually speak due to my heart overflowing with love, so I just nodded in the affirmative.

The room burst into applause as Cole put a simple gold band on my finger and then embraced me. Our friends and family stood and hugged one another, heading toward Cole and me to congratulate the newly engaged couple.

Two of the first to arrive at our sides were Clint and Alan. You’d think the four of us would be awkward, but that wasn’t how things were progressing for us.

“I am so damn proud of you two,” Clint said, pulling us into his arms, nearly smothering us in his love. “I am also thankful to have you as my friends.” He pulled back. “I mean that.”

Alan and Cole faced one another. I think neither knew what to do. Alan, unsure if Cole was ready for hugs, and Cole, unsure they’d had enough distance to be celebrating such a thing as a marriage proposal to someone else.

“I’m happy for you, Cole,” Alan said, speaking first. “Chad is a wonderful person that an equally wonderful person deserves.” He turned to me. “This man will love you forever, Chad. Please take good care of his heart, because I sure didn’t.”

“Actually, I think you did, Alan,” Cole spoke up. “Otherwise, losing you wouldn’t have hurt so bad. And I cannot express how happy I am that we will get the chance to be better people for one another. I appreciate you, Alan. I truly do.”

The two of them embraced as my heart swelled with wonder over what I was witnessing. The four of us, Clint, Alan, Cole, and myself, each looked from one to the other, realizing that love takes many shapes. Our destinies can vary and with that, our love changes.

And with forgiveness, love is powerful and reigns supreme. Earthly love, as well as love from beyond. Wherever that may be.


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