Page 36 of Make My Heart Race

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Willy was giving the guys the stink eye, and it was kind of hilarious. Both Jesse and Hayes had been nervous, and I got it. Willy was the closest thing I had to family, and his approval meant a lot to me. Colin was happy as long as I was happy, but Willy had taken on that protector role early in our lives, and if it hadn’t been for him, I would have crumpled after my dad’s death.

I owed a lot to Willy, and to Colin. But their opinion about this arrangement wouldn’t change my mind. I’d hate it, but I wouldn’t leave either of the guys just because of Willy.

“I want to know if I’ve got this correct. You’re all together. The three of you. Is that plausible in the long run? Maintaining a relationship with one person is hard. Adding another person is… insanity. What if you fall out of love with one of them?” he asked me, and I mean, it was a question I’d asked myself many times.

I shrugged. “I didn’t say it was going to be easy. But we’re going to work hard at it, because it feels right, Willy. So far, there haven’t been any issues, and we’re committed to open communication.”

Willy went to argue again, because that was his default, but Colin slapped his forearm. “Leave it, Will. Can’t you see she’s happy? You can worry like an old woman about the what-ifs later.”

Jesse leaned forward, his forearms bulging against the table top. “I swear on my life, I will make sure she stays that way. Both Hayes and I only want what’s best for her, and the baby. They won’t lack love and support. Every day, they’ll know they have someone to lean on.” Hayes nodded his agreement.

Willy looked between us all, letting out a sigh. “You’re all grown, consenting adults who know that I will literally throw your dismembered bodies into the ocean as shark food, if you even consider hurting her.”

I looked at Colin and rolled my eyes, but Hayes was very solemn as he said, “I’ll help you throw me off the Golden Gate if I hurt either of them.”

Ugh. Definitely giving him a blowjob after this.

Colin clapped his hands together. “Well, now that’s decided, I made crème brûlée for dessert.” Behind Willy’s back, he gave me two big thumbs up, mouthing, You go, girl!

Willy topped up the guys’ wine and got me another soda, while Colin made his grand re-entrance, holding a platter of desserts. As he placed one in front of everyone, I took the opportunity to squeeze his arm.

It had always been me and Willy against the world, but when Colin had appeared, he’d fit in seamlessly. He’d never tried to freeze me out, never tried to insist that Willy drop me. He’d just opened his arms, accepted me with all my issues, and saw me as a peer, not someone who needed protection. I wasn’t so sure that I would’ve been as open-minded if I was in his position. Colin had merely insisted I was his sister-in-law, and basically incorporated both Willy and I into his big, happy family.

Which was why I felt completely at ease with this next part. When he finally sat back down, I swallowed one last mouthful of soda and began. “All that being said, our relationship is new. It wouldn’t be fair on the guys to expect them to take on the commitment of a child, if anything happens to me, considering we haven’t been dating long.” I cleared the lump in my throat. “We all know that childbirth is kinda risky, so I wanted to ask, if anything happens to me, would you guys be the legal guardians of the baby?”

The silence in the room was almost a physical caress. Colin and Willy looked at each other, then back at me, then at each other once more.

I started to panic a little, but I wouldn’t push this issue. I could figure something else out. “There’s absolutely no pressure. A child is a big deal and would completely change your lifestyle.”

“And we’ll absolutely love and care for the baby ourselves, if it comes down to that. The child wouldn’t end up in foster care, or up for adoption, or anything like that,” Jesse added.

I nodded, feeling overwhelming appreciation for Jesse and Hayes in that moment. “But there’s no one on this planet that I trust as much as you guys to care for my child. In a year, or two, or five, if the guys and I are ready to reach a different level of commitment”—I tried not to choke on the C-word—“then we can reassess, you know?”

Will and Colin were still having one of their silent conversations, the kind that only ever occurred once you’d been with someone for a long time. Colin frowned, Willy raised an eyebrow, Colin rolled his eyes. Then they turned back toward me in synchronization. Honestly, it was almost creepy how in sync they were.

“Of course we'll be guardians to your baby, Tally. As if you even have to ask,” Colin said sternly, shaking his head at me, like I was just asking dumb questions and not foisting a baby on him. “As if Will would let it be any other way.”

The man in question lifted his chin in agreement. “He’s right. No offense, but you hardly know these guys, and there’s no way I’d let them raise the last piece of you.”

I grinned, because I’d known them both well enough to know that this was a forgone answer. “Okay, that’s the last heavy topic of the night, I promise. Did I tell you I almost beat Rocco Passero at iRacing?”

Waking up sandwiched between two hot men was possibly my very favorite way to wake up. Lips traced over my shoulder blade, making me hum happily in my sleep. I pressed back against the very large erection resting on my ass cheeks and wiggled softly.

“I have to go to work,” Hayes grumbled, even though he ground himself against me a little more. “We have a nine a.m. meeting, and I can’t be late.” His lips and hands roamed over my body in direct contrast to his words.

“We could be quick? Or multitask and do it in the shower?”

He rolled away, and suddenly, strong hands were around my feet, dragging me to the end of the bed. He hauled me into his arms and was kissing me even as I squealed.

“God, I love that you’re a problem solver,” he murmured, as he carried me toward Jesse’s ensuite bathroom. I looked over his shoulder at a now-awake Jesse, a contented smirk on his face as he watched Hayes haul me around like a sack of potatoes.

As he set me on the bathroom vanity, the cold marble chilled my ass cheeks, making me yelp. Hayes set about getting the water to the perfect temperature.

“I’ve been thinking about making love to you in the shower for a week.” He helped me peel off Jesse’s shirt, which I’d already stolen as a night shirt. Slotting between my thighs, his dick still hampered by his boxers pressing against my core, he kissed me softly. “Dreamed about how I’d get you nice and wet and slippery, then press you against the tiles and slide in.”

I tugged at his boxers. “I’m not sure I understand. I think I’m going to need a hands-on demonstration.”

I squealed again as he picked me up and walked me into the shower stall, not dropping me back to my feet even as we stood under the showerhead. My belly got in the way a little, but I hardly noticed it when he leaned forward and sucked on my tits. He might have had a tiny obsession with my breasts.

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